Email received from Team America 7/21/06

Dear Friend,

Last night our immigration coalition met and I wanted to update you on
what's going on.

But first, another outrage. Last March Arizona passed a human smuggling
law and the Sheriff of Maricopa County and the County Attorney are
aggressively implementing it. Problem is ICE doesn't like the law. So
they are ignoring it.

As a result 17 illegals walked out of jail and onto our streets--six of
whom pleaded guilty to human-smuggling felonies, because ICE refused to
pick them up.

Just let the felons walk. Homeland Security must show the states who is
the boss, even if it is at the expense of Americans lives and property.

Here is an ICE response to press requests: "The purpose of a detainer is
not to have an illegal alien removed; the purpose is to have a criminal
alien removed." And since the feds won't recognize the state law, many of
the illegals in Arizona jail, even some who pleaded guilty to human
smuggling, are not deportable by Homeland Security standards.

Anyone wonder why there are 15-20 million illegals in this country and
more coming everyday! There is no hope of ever reaching this
administration. Their promises mean absolutely nothing and no matter how
loud and unified our voices may be, they could care less.

Now, what is happening back in Washington. Little talk of any action on
the immigration front until at least after the election. Some Republican
House members have been asking if they could get a comprehensive approach
through the House in a lame duck session. Tom Tancredo's immigration
coalition is watching that closely.

But most of the talk is about writing new legislation next year-starting
the process all over again in the House and Senate with the new Congress.
The results of the November elections will be the best indication of how
that will go.

If Democrats are smart the will run not on amnesty or guest workers plans,
not on the war, or health care or any other issue. They will run as the
party that will secure the borders--against a party that only talks about
doing so. But then Senators from both parties just voted against funding
the border fence that just a few months ago they voted to build. That
will be a hard case for them to make.

One last point: Congressman Tancredo has graciously agreed to sign his
new book, In Mortal Danger, for Team America contributors. So if you are
interested in an autographed or personalized copy of Tom's latest book, we
can make it happen. All the details are on the web.

Have a great weekend.

Bay Buchanan

PS Many of you have asked about the NAFTA Highway. I just wrote a column
on this topic and am sending it along with this e-mail in the event you
were interested.