Yes...meats for sure. They bleach them. They dye them. They put new meat around old meat. (check your hamburger) They freeze, thaw and re-freeze. They re-wrap. They have a strip of stickers employees slap on meat from other countries that say USDA inspected, and I seriously doubt they are. Heck, they do what 1% of ours here? Might be 10%. But positive, no more than that. Those huge beautiful red apples are biogenetically enginered (sorry about sp). They won't even take them in other countries. They re-package old potatoes with new. There's alot..........and it's all for a buck. So no, I don't mind paying more if my quart of strawberries is good. But I get pretty ticked when all the ones in the middle are moldy. Now, if your like me....I just take it and not say anything. Figure it's too much hassle to return it. Or why pay full price for a gallon of milk that expires tomorrow? Used to be if you had alot of kids and knew that gallon would be used tonight, you got a deal by getting it for less than full price. Not anymore. Now, if that's CHEAP.....well then I guess I am. So...check your expiration dates carefully, so your not stocking up on tomatoe soup that expires next month,(when you already know it's been on the shelf for YEARS). We've placed alot of trust in our food industry and it used to be good. It's not anymore. They are supposed to rotate food.....freshest is in the back...unless it's a mass check.