Two immigrants indicted for allegedly assaulting Border Patrol agent

By Matthew Nelson
Laredo Morning Times

Published: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:47 PM CST

Two undocumented immigrants were indicted on charges of assault of a federal officer causing bodily injury for allegedly assaulting a U.S. Border Patrol agent Oct. 23 who, in turn, shot and wounded the two men.

The men are set for a detention hearing Thursday in federal court before U.S. Magistrate Judge Scott Hacker.

One of the bullets struck Mexican national Jose Luis Zavala-Rodriguez, 22, who also goes by “Jose Juan Zavala-Rodriguez” or “Jose Juan Rodriguez-Rosa,” in the upper torso. The other man, Johnny Jose Redrovan-Pesantez, 23, of Ecuador, suffered “an apparent gunshot wound” to his leg. Both men were taken to Laredo Medical Center.

Zavala-Rodriguez was also charged with conspiracy to transport illegal immigrants and transporting illegal immigrants for personal financial gain.