October 18, 2013, 2:40 pm
By Jeremy Scott

SALEM -- Oregon voters will get a say on granting driving privileges to illegal immigrants next year.

Oregonians for Immigration Reform gathered 71,000 signatures in just a few months to refer the measure to the November 2014 ballot. Secretary of State Kate Brown says just over 58,000 are valid. It made the ballot with only 150 signatures to spare.

"The law was scheduled to go into effect on January the first of next year. Now that's all put aside until we vote on it. Senate Bill 833 was concieved in a secret panel put together by the Governor," said OFIR's Jim Ludwick.

The group hopes to overturn that bill the Oregon Legislature passed earlier this year.

"If the results of the election reverse the legislation, DMV will cancel all work on the Driver Card program, but if the election upholds the legislation, we'll launch 30 days after the results are official," said Administrator Tom McClellan.
