Archie Bunker Saw Obama Coming

By Onan Coca / 4 November 2013

When I was in college I read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and was blown away by what I found in Rand’s magnum opus. The liberal media often makes light of Rand’s seminal work and the way many conservatives revere the tome. I find that they often miss the point, though. As a Christian, I find many faults with Rand’s perspective and her philosophy of objectivism… but there is still much good in what she wrote.
My favorite thing about Atlas Shrugged is the way Ayn Rand seemed to be able to peer into the future to build her characters. Or maybe I should call them caricatures. Time after time in my reading, I found myself wondering how she was so perfectly able to describe the politicians of our day. James Taggart, Floyd Ferris, Wesley Mouch… all characters that seem firmly rooted in modern America – yet were written almost sixty years ago.

Well, Ayn Rand wasn’t the only one who could seemingly peer into the future. In the last few months we’ve met other icons from our past who tried to warn us of the coming progressive onslaught (like Ron Reagan, the Duke – John Wayne, and Red Skelton). Unfortunately, we didn’t listen. We still have time to hear these voices and make a change…
One of those voices (a very funny one, in fact) is a fictitious character by the name of Archie Bunker. Archie Bunker was played by the once liberal (but great) actor Carol O’Connor. He was supposed to be a curmudgeonly built archetype of a conservative, but every now and again his analysis would prove to be more prophetic than ironic.