Businesses, Unions, Colleges all say employee hours being cut over Obamacare - WH says "no evidence"

NBC News contacted around 20 small businesses and other entities for this report and found that employee hours are being cut to 29 hours because of Obamacare, despite the delay of the employer mandate. But the White House, NBC News reports, says that there is no systematic evidence that this is because of Obamacare and dismisses the report as anecdotal.

Final Call To Republicans: "Defund and Delay ObamaCare!"

On October 1, every American man, woman and child will have to enroll in ObamaCare. This gives grassroots patriots just a few short months to ensure this job-killing, economy-dragging, taxpayer-draining law never goes into effect.

Demand Republican leadership defund and delay ObamaCare.

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