• November 3, 2013

NY Times Carries Water For Obama: Simply ‘Misspoke’ About Healthcare

Apparently Obama still has friends/money in the media. In an age where even MSNBC is calling foul on the President, the editorial board at the New York Times is still towing the party line. In an article published in the Sunday edition, the board boldly claims that, in regards to “Obama’s pledge that if you like the insurance you have, you can keep it. Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that.”

Yes, you heard right. After repeating this phrase at several campaign stumps, nobody in his administration thought to correct him. Either that, or it was more akin to an outburst of Tourettes. Yes, Mr. Obama “misspoke” when he mislead us (sarcasm).

The New York Times continued by saying that it is obvious that he misspoke because “by law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don’t provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year.” What they carefully dance around is the fact that this law was created by this administration, so it wasn’t like they were bound by previous infrastructure.

The Liar in Chief knew he was telling a lie the whole time. Now liberal publications like The Huffington Post and The New York Times are trying to explain why it wasn’t a lie and why it is even a good thing that you can’t keep your old, antiquated plan.

Well, many people can’t afford the hike in price with the new, tricked out Obama plan. It is After all, the elderly don’t really need free contraception, and men certainly don’t need maternity care.

The New York Times had a moment of lucidity, however when they admitted that “premiums may well rise, in part because insurance companies must accept all applicants, not just the healthy.”

The whole debacle can be compared to putting a spoiler on a Gran Torino. It costs you more money, ruins your reputation and is completely unnecessary. Oh, and it looks like hell.
