Our View: Is this the era of deficits be damned?

Journal Star
Posted Oct 21, 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Home ownership is a positive for any community, says Congressman Phil Hare, the Democrat from Rock Island. If this has been a reluctant recovery, one reason is the relative sluggishness of the U.S. real estate market. Sometimes people need a little nudge to get over the anxiety of purchasing that first home. Home construction creates jobs for an economy in desperate need of them.

Agreed, agreed, agreed and agreed.

Nonetheless, we'd feel more sympathetic toward Hare's co-sponsorship of an extension of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit for another year if Uncle Sam could absorb the cost without borrowing from the Chinese.

We'd feel better about it if the feds hadn't just registered the largest single-year deficit in our history - more than $1.4 trillion - which blew the previous record to smithereens, which is more red ink than the U.S. piled up in the first 200 years of its existence, which is growing as a percentage of gross domestic product to alarming levels. The price tag on this legislation is $1 billion a month, estimates Hare, though the Brookings Institution, a respected and influential think tank, puts the price tag considerably higher than that. The current program that expires on Nov. 30 already is at $15 billion, more than double the initial budget. Expect the same here, and for it to be added onto the debt pile.

We'd be more inclined to embrace this proposal were it need-based, but at income limits of $75,000 per individual and $150,000 per couple currently - with talk of doubling both of those ceilings, while expanding the credit to $15,000 - "needy" is not a label we'd attach to many of these folks. These are people who should qualify for a traditional mortgage, which already carries a tax deduction, without any additional push from Uncle Sam.

As it is, only about one in eight of the some 73,200 Illinoisans expected to participate in the initial program would not have purchased a home otherwise, so it's not as if letting it expire would bring the real estate market to a grinding halt. Beyond that, for those truly dependent on this tax break, isn't this how the economy went in the tank in the first place, with the feds going to bat for people who shouldn't have been purchasing homes they really couldn't afford? Brookings characterizes this tax credit as "very poorly targeted" in terms of its stimulus potential.

We'd be less likely to reject this if our largesse had not already been tapped out by the likes of the Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Clunkers II and Cash for Appliances programs. It's one thing for taxpayers to help with staples for those in need - food, medicine - quite another to subsidize a car in their garage or a refrigerator in their kitchen or, now, the house holding both that most can afford on their own. For everyone getting a break, someone else makes up the difference. Subsidies for home ownership in this country already amount to $150 billion annually. Philosophically, that is a mountain impossible for us to climb, and it's fundamentally unfair to people who've been paying their own way.

We'd be more gung-ho if America didn't have so much else on its platter that is going to tug at the nation's bottom line, not the least of which is health care reform. Meanwhile, less than a quarter of the nearly $800 billion stimulus package has been spent, yet remarkably, some in Washington have already concluded it's not enough. Governing is about choosing, but no one is prioritizing anything here, they're just mindlessly spending.

We'd be more enthusiastic if the Internal Revenue Service and Congress weren't already investigating some 100,000 claims under the existing first-time homebuyers program for potential fraud.

We'd be more confident if the laws of economics - and unintended consequences - didn't apply. Artificially boosting demand now will almost certainly depress it later. The real issue here is oversupply, too many sellers chasing too few buyers. That's why home prices dropped. Every home occupied through this program often means a vacant apartment. As such the net economic gain to the nation is virtually unnoticeable.

Finally, we might back such a program if we thought its recipients were being done a favor in the long term. With the nation's debt so sky high, they are not, as the bill always comes due. Meanwhile, to the degree this ocean of red ink has a deleterious impact on interest rates, on the value of the dollar, on inflation, on future tax rates ... well, you can pay me now, or you can pay me later.

Phil Hare seems like a nice enough guy, sincere in wanting to help his constituents, and we don't underestimate the populist appeal of this program. What's a few billion for Main Street homebuyers when we spent gazillions on Wall Street bankers? We get it. Nonetheless, those commitments have been made whether we like them or not, and Americans just can't afford any more of them. We might add that the congressman's spending affliction is a bipartisan one, as the father of this program in the Senate, Johnny Isakson, is a Georgia Republican.

Is there no one in Washington who can look past today at the bills that will be coming tomorrow, no one at all? If not, bankrupting the nation could be their legacy. Now there's a slogan we trust none of them will be campaigning on. This is a bad idea.
