Students Recite Pledge in Arabic and Say ‘One Nation Under Allah’

The effort to destroy American patriotism has reached a new level at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado. According to Principal Tom Lopez, the Pledge of Allegiance is recited at the school every Monday and I think that’s great, especially considering the fact that many public schools today never recite the Pledge. When I was in public school, it was recited first thing every day.

The school’s multicultural club has been translating the Pledge of Allegiance into other languages including French and Spanish. Lopez has allowed them to recite the foreign translations over the schools PS system on occasion. No one seemed to mind and there were no complaints that I heard of.
However, the club then translated the Pledge into Arabic and in so doing, changed the ending to ‘one nation under Allah.’ Principal Lopez approved of the translation and once again allowed the club members to recite the Arabic Pledge of Allegiance over the school’s PA system.

It wasn’t long before complaints from parents and citizens in the area started to come in to Lopez’ office. Some of the complaints were lodged against the use of Arabic in general and others were lodged against the phrase ‘one nation under Allah.’ Lopez says that some of the complaints have been threatening.
I read a justification for French and Spanish in one article but I personally disagree. The article said that the French helped us win the Revolutionary War and gain our independence. However, in today’s France, America is a curse word and many French people that have forgotten about how we liberated them from Nazi Germany, hate American and everything it stands for. Additionally, they now have a socialistic government and leader.

Spanish was justified on the ground that there are millions of Hispanics in the US and that they make up nearly 20% of Colorado’s population. I’m not sure what the percentage of legal versus illegal Hispanics there are, but I’ve seen figures that state that there are between 11 to 15 million illegal Hispanics in the US. Illegal means they violated the law and therefore should be treated as criminals and made to be held accountable for their crimes and deported.

video at link below

But to allow students to recite America’s Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic offends me in two ways. First is the ‘one nation under Allah.’ Sorry folks, but Allah and the God of the Bible and our Founding Fathers are not the same thing. There are huge differences between the Muslim Allah and the Christian/Jewish God of the Bible. To change the Pledge to say Allah is offensive to me as a Christian and as an American.
Second, there are millions of Arab Muslims that have vowed to see the United States destroyed or converted into an Islamic nation. They are working hard to make themselves appear like they are our friends, when in reality they want to change everything that is good and wholesome about America.
Arab Muslims are already incorporating Sharia law into local governments and courts, especially in Dearborn and Detroit, Michigan. The Obama administration has also taken steps to make any anti-Muslim speech to be considered hate language, but no such measures have been taken when the speech is anti-Christian or anti-Jew, it’s just considered free speech.

When our Founding Fathers were forming the nation, they wrestled with what language should be the official language. Some advocated French because of the ties we had with France in the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Franklin pushed for German because it is one of the easiest languages to learn and he saw America to be the melting pot of the world. However, the majority was English speaking and they settled on English as the official language of the United States of America.
For over two centuries, people who came to the US learned English so that they could be part of America and function in America. Today, our local, state and federal governments spend millions of dollars printing everything in English and Spanish because so many Hispanics come here and refuse to learn the language. Yet if we were to go to any of their counties, we would have to learn Spanish in order to cope and get by.
I firmly believe that everything official, including the Pledge of Allegiance and all government documents should be done in English only, the official language established by our Founding Fathers. If people want to live here, then make them learn the language like we would have to do in their home countries.
And as far as reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, I would call for the termination of Principal Lopez for approving a blasphemous reading of our national pledge. Sorry, folks, but I’m an American and proud of it and want to keep the country the way it was intended, not what foreigners want to convert it into!

Students Recite Pledge in Arabic and Say