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    America's future is in our hands


    PART 1

    By Karen Schoen, Neil Rice and Roy Callahan
    December 27, 2013

    The New Frontier of Evil in Florida
    Let’s use Taylor County, Florida as an example for Regionalism, although it could be all 67 counties in the State. Or any county in any state.
    Tucked away in a beautiful setting in northern Florida is Taylor County. Generations of good people are now being attacked by the United Nations Sustainable Development a/k/a/ Agenda21.
    It was like dropping a bomb on an unsuspecting quiet community that trusted their county administrator and board of commissioners, along with the city manager. Sustainable development is the infrastructure and indoctrination program for transforming America from:
    a democratic Republic free person society whereby the individuals vote and tell their representative what to do allowing the individual to control their own life,
    into a member of the fascist-communist order whereby the government controls life and tells the people what to do.
    Taylor County is home to one of the largest land owners in the state of Florida, Foley Timber and Land, having almost 600,000 acres. One of the owners, Howard Leach, a former U.N. ambassador lives in California, and has been doing Sustainable Development projects there for over a decade. By the way his projects are failing miserably.
    Howard Leach, along with Bo Taff, his CEO (in Taylor county), Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State, Robert Day, a Los Angles investor and Ken Langore, co-founder of Home Depot, decided to do a comprehensive plan for all the citizens of Taylor County and named it the "2060 Vision Plan." This plan was their vision. The people of Taylor County were left out.
    With the approval of Taylor County commissioners and our county administrator, the plan was put in action with minimal citizen input. Foley Timber and Land hired VHB Miller Sellen, sustainable development planners out of Orlando, Fl. and formed a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) between Foley and Taylor County. A PPP is a corporation whereby the public (taxpayers) pays the bills while the private corporation keeps the rewards or profit. PPPs eliminate competition and are often awarded NO BID contracts.

    Please take note of Taylor County "2060 Vision Map.” This is for the entire county, showing you where and how you will live. It shows rural villages, rural settlements, which the United Nations refer to as “Human Settlements".

    If so, look for the terminology like: sustainable, livable communities, smart growth, public-private-partnerships, regional, consensus building, bicycle path, walkable communities. These policies force people to change their behavior and way of life. How does it work? Well let’s say you don’t like to walk in the 95 degree Florida heat. If your new settlement has minimal roads, you will be forced to walk. Your behavior is changed.
    Now we are set up for "Regionalism.” Please take note of the map of Florida*, on the next page showing the counties in 9 different areas of regionalism sections with their own names.
    Notice on this map the Regions cross the state line into Georgia.
    Out of Florida’s 67 counties 32 have a population of less than 75,000. The counties also make up Florida’s Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern. These counties are ripe for a Fed takeover due to President Obama’s Executive Order 13575 which re-engineers rural counties demanding section 8 (government subsidized) housing be included in the plans. Currently Boca, Delray and Wellington have to include section 8 housing in their plans.
    Regionalism comes from the communist Soviet Union also called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Those of us that have read true history know that the USSR ended in the starvation and death of millions and dissolution of the USSR. Regionalism eliminates borders so the individual will not have allegiance to their home town, community, state or county. Humans will live in a region controlled by unelected people. Regionalism denies the right of representative government by denying the vote of the people giving the power to make rules and regulations to unelected bureaucrats also called administrators. Regionalism can be traced to 1945 and the United Nations, which was founded by communists with money from the Rockefeller Foundation. Regionalism eliminates borders and countries like the European Union, a failing program. Currently the US pays 22% + of the UN budget to a group of people trying to eliminate America. (How much money has the US given to the UN since its inception? Trillions, why do we still have poverty, hunger and disease?)
    The US Constitution is ignored. Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a republican form of Government; meaning States and the people have a vote in choosing representatives to carry their policies to the Federal government. Regionalism eliminates that choice.
    In 1965, the National League of Cities (NLC) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) created the National Association of Regional Council (NARC) which proclaims in their documents to be the Voice of Regionalism. J. Walter Tejada is the elected directed of the NARC. Following the directives of the UN, his job is to bring regionalism to the United States. All 11 regional councils in Florida belong to this organization. It's Communism! giving no voice to the people!
    The Johannesburg Implementation Plan lays out the orders explaining how to use NGO’s, regional councils and unelected bureaucrats to promote their sustainability plans by training local officials.
    As one planner, Andrea Duany, states: "stop all these community meetings and put the plan in place, because FASCISM works." Duany’s statement enforces the fact that these plans are fascism. Fascism means that the government tells the people and all industry what to do, what to produce and what to charge, eliminating free choice.
    Environmental Groups play a major role in the United Nations Sustainable Development a/k/a Agenda21. All groups are connected directly or indirectly and follow the rules of the United Nations putting nature above man. Florida Forever (largest land acquisition organization in the country) owns 28% of Florida. Think of that, it’s almost 1/3 of the state. Whatever is in the hands of conservationists is NOT taxable so the people must pay extra taxes for these programs.
    Some of the groups connected to the United Nations are: The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, 1000 Friends of Florida, World Heritage, Audubon Society, "Fish and Wildlife, EPA, DEP, HUD, FDOT, DOI and all the Water Management Districts. Land acquisitions, permanent easements, Blueways, Greenways, use these Vision Plans are an everyday occurrence in Florida.
    Their programs include evasive environmental regulations which force a variety of controls on humans in the forms of wetlands, wildlands, rezoning, easements, endangered species, water nutrients, energy, food in the form of Codex .
    No one objects to sensible environmental programs but overpowering programs designed to eliminate private property by groups connected to and following the UN are unacceptable as well as unconstitutional.
    Governor Rick Scott is CEO of the Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC), and works with Florida Forever among others. Governor Scott and his cabinet endorsed the Florida Wildlife Corridor, from the tip of Florida to the Georgia "State Line. 720,000 acres of land will be lost land and lost revenue. Please take note of the Florida Wildlife Corridor map. This corridor is to run up the eastern coast of the United States to Maine.

    On this map you will see the light green (720,000 acres) representing the current corridor already off limits to humans. The dark green expands the corridor’s vision to connect through the entire east coast by future land acquisitions. When completed almost 80% of Florida land will be off limits to humans.

    Following the UN Bio Diversity map below you can see that all land corridors eventually will connect and will be off limits for humans.
    Human land use has resulted in the loss and fragmentation of once extensive ecological corridors, increasing the conservation importance of remaining functional linkages. In Florida these important corridors include the lands linking Ocala National Forest in Marionand Lake Counties to Osceola National Forest which borders the Okefenokee Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in south Georgia; a extensive corridor in the panhandle linking the Apalachicola National Forest to Eglin Air Force Base and Blackwater River State Forest; lands linking Everglades National Park to lands north of the Caloosahatchee River provide an important dispersal corridor for the Florida panther; and lands linking the dry prairies of Avon Park Air Force Range and Kissimmee Prairie State Preserve in Highlands and Okeechobee Counties with lands adjacent to the St. Johns River in Volusia County. The Florida Ecological Greenways Network identifies these corridors as ‘critical linkages.’
    Florida was the first state in America to establish a comprehensive statewide plan for ecological Greenways and this serves as a critical component of the FGTC system plan. The Florida Wildlife Corridor. Florida Park Service is on of the largest in the country with 160 parks spanning 700,000 acres and nearly 1,500 miles of land and water trails, and ten critical linkages have been identified as high priorities for conservation. Florida ecological Greenways Network is now 25.62 million acres +.

    Our Children are being taught to be controlled without question in schools across the nation.
    NOW! These programs have been in place for years under a variety of new names. The current name is Common Core Standards. These programs follow cradle to grave implementation. "Starting in pre K students are being forced to accept:
    • Sustainable Development
    • Environment comes first
    • The Earth Charter out of the United Nations
    • Social justice
    • Re-distribution of wealth,
    • Man-made global warming
    • American citizens are being replaced by global citizens
    All these programs are based on LIES! LIES! LIES!
    If we don't stop this the children will all be slaves to the UN Elite of the "New World Order" replacing America with the UN, God with Government and Family with school.
    This is the United Nations Sustainable Development, Agenda21. Loss of God, Private Property, Liberty, and Life! WHAT'S LEFT?
    America stand up! Research representatives before you Vote. Does your prospective candidate stand for the original constitution? Vote for the person NOT the PARTY!
    The fight has just begun. Together we can win.
    God Please Bless America.
    © 2013 Karen Schoen - All Rights Reserve
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    Karen Schoen originally from New York currently resides in the Florida panhandle, a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and devotes her time speaking to groups throughout the United States educating Americans to the communist United Nations takeover of America called UN Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc. Should you need a speaker on any agenda 21 issue, contact Karen.
    Karen has a Bachelors Degree in Education, minor in History and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is her specialty. Karen is one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21) writes for blogs, newsletters,,,, and
    Karen co-hosts her radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on and has numerous videos on, and youtube, and she is often a guest on other radio and TV shows. Karen heads the team of AgEnders dedicated to educating Americans about Agenda 21. Karen hosts The AgEnders webinars series designed to expose the truth, by providing education and conversation and action against UN Agenda 21. UN Agenda 21 calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrination into global governance. The Elite are using environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice.
    Karen has testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions, is a Director of Panhandle Patriots, a founder of the AgEnders, (Americans ending Agenda 21) , Co- chair of the Florida Assessment Committee on Education and Director of the Save America Foundation.
    Karen has just decided to run for office FL State REP Dist 5. Look for

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    Sustainability and the Achievement of Survivability

    February 17, 2014

    Survivability, defined as the ability to remain alive or continue to exist, is something that we, as Preppers, are attempting to achieve not only for ourselves, but for future generations. I find this particularly poignant because I did not have children of my own. You might say that making an effort to preserve our society and our planet is the legacy I want to leave when my time is gone.

    Quite some time ago, a Backdoor Survival reader posted some thoughtful comments on the topic of sustainability and the achievement of survivability. His comments were far too important to be buried where no one would see them.

    Luckily, “Ed” has given me permission to reproduce his thoughts below. Thank you Ed, for sharing your thoughts.
    Observations on Sustainability
    O.K., I’ll go out on a limb and report my musings and observations on the Sustainability topic. It’s a topic of some interest to me and I’ve wondered whether or not it’s actually scientifically possible for a society to achieve 100% sustainability.
    As individuals/families, the pursuit of survivability naturally entails the pursuit of some degree of achieving a more “sustainable” life style. Growing our own food, reducing our energy consumption to a bare minimum, providing for our own water supplies, learning to “live off the land”, i.e., hunting, fishing for food, learning essential medical technology and stocking up emergency medical supplies are all integral parts of achieving survivability and obliviously entail the achievement of a more sustainable lifestyle.
    And frankly, my wife and I have found these to be fun pursuits and our modest achievements in this endeavor have yielded significant benefits. For example, during a recent storm event, Hurricane Ike, the “survival” camp we created proved to be a handy refuge for our children and grand children such that they didn’t have to endure either the dangers nor the discomforts of that event.
    Sustainability on a societal level, or Macro Level, if you will, is an entirely different consideration. And, having had the advantage of living overseas in Europe, North Africa and Mexico, I can tell you that societal sustainability in the U.S. would be inordinately difficult.
    There are a number of genuinely fundamental reasons for this which, I suspect, many in the U.S. simply refuse to consider and some are intentionally ignored for reasons of sheer political correctness. I’ll enumerate a few of the problems in a comparison method to contrast the major differences I see with the U.S. and the rest of the world.
    1) Transportation Energy use: Europe and European cities are compact; U.S.
    cities are, with a few exceptions, sprawling affairs; Ground transportation in Europe is easily accomplished with mass transit, trains, trolleys and buses. Ground transportation in the U.S. is highly complex and diffuse with little in the way of resources in terms of public transportation and trains.

    Distances in the U.S. are enormous in comparison to Europe meaning that in terms of personal travel between cities is best accomplished by automobile or aircraft. In this regard, the U.S. more closely resembles Russia.
    2) Supply chain: European supply chains are a) short and b) diffuse. By diffuse I mean that in Europe, Italy being my preferred example, city grocers feature products grown and manufactured within 75 miles of a city such as Rome; they are processed in Rome and distributed by everything from small trucks to motor bikes. In the U.S., our supply chains are modeled after the hub and spoke system. Cattle, for example, grown in the western U.S., processed in Denver, shipped as ground meat to St. Louis to a shipping facility that dispatches trucks to the Midwest, Oklahoma, and yes…Texas.
    3) Electricity: with the exception of Texas which has it’s own, discreet generation and distribution system, the rest of the U.S. is dependent upon a weird, spaghetti system which lends itself to failure on a huge scale. A power plant shuts down in say, Denver and the lights go out in Salt Lake city. We’ve seen this on the east coast. In Europe, they use a small scale, small hub with short spokes system. A power plant goes down and 1/4 of Rome goes dark……not the whole city.
    I could go on and on, but the examples above point to several fundamental problems in the U.S. 1) sheer size; 2) lack of manufacturing, (I forgot to mention that in Europe they have millions of small manufacturing plants that make basics, clothes, leather goods, electronics, etc.) 3) poorly planned electrical and energy distribution systems and 4) poorly planned/not planned, cityscapes.
    To put it bluntly……….the U.S. has developed in all the wrong directions to achieve sustainability……..the U.S. went in exactly the opposite direction.
    Finally, I could address the societal differences between Europe and the U.S. at great length, but I think that we all recognize the biggest problem in the U.S. and we’ve acknowledged it by our actions in our attempts to achieve survivability whether we wish to talk about it or not.
    To achieve survivability in the U.S. means to locate a survival base camp as far away from any major urban area as possible. Why? Because we’ve all seen the pictures and heard the reports of what happened in New Orleans after Katrina. For my part, my wife and I returned to NOLA just 4 days after Katrina to help relatives. It was……a lawless free-fire kill zone. Looters emptied store shelves and then, gratuitously, set fire to the grocery stores, liquor stores and drug stores.
    All that being the case, when I read stories about sustainable communities, Agenda 21 and the like, at the back of my mind lies a truth no one speaks of. It won’t work because the U.S. is inhabited by a huge, criminal element that will take advantage of any situation to their greater gain.
    My fear and concern is that the elites that drive the “agenda” of social engineering in the U.S. will intentionally overlook this problem in their drive to socially engineer sustainability and when a location incurs a disaster, natural or otherwise, the result will be a whole sale slaughter that’s far worse than the effects of whatever natural disaster might have occurred.
    Thankfully, as I’m 57 years old, I won’t live long enough to see the results of their misguided efforts. But our children and grand children will certainly be the ones to suffer, particularly if we don’t provide them with some form of remote refuge.
    Finding That Perfect Survival Camp

    Although Ed and his family were able to take refuge at the “survival camp” he created far away from the city, that may not be practical or viable for everyone. Instead, we must do what we can to create a safe “camp” of our own wherever we live. Outfitted with enough food, water, first aid and defensive tactics, you can survive in place and not venture out to confront lawlessness and civil disobedience. They key is to be prepared and to, as I often say, homestead in place.
    The Final Word

    Whether your interest in living a sustainable and self-reliant life is new, or whether you are an old hand, the motivation to survive and to live a meaningful life has got to be at the core of your efforts. Having that motivation is over half the battle and an important to the survival mindset.
    Some of the lessons we must learn and the steps we must take are not easy. Giving up old habits and old ways is tough. On the other hand, the rewards are great will lead to abundance of heart rather than an abundance of material objects. The road is well paved; we just need to take it. I am grateful to have you along as I walk my way down the path of sustainability and survivability.
    Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

    Click Here To Vote For Me at Top Prepper Websites!
    If you have not done so already, please be sure to like Facebook which is updated every time there is an awesome new article, news byte, or link to a free survival, prepping or homesteading book on Amazon. You can also follow Backdoor Survival on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ and purchase my book, The Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage from Amazon.
    In addition, when you sign up to receive email updates you will receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.
    Related Articles:

    Spotlight Item: Recipes and Tips for Sustainable Living: This is a gorgeous book. Open any page and you will find mouth-watering photos of fresh fruits, homemade soups, scrumptious breads and the most appetizing main dishes made from venison that I have ever seen. But this is not just a pretty book with pictures. The recipes are clear and concise and comingled with tips on everything from canning, keeping chickens, beekeeping, making compost and more. You are going to want this book.

    Bargain Bin: For your discernment, here are of some budget friendly items that I personally own.
    How to Prepare for Most Emergencies on a $50 a Month Budget: This book, by my blogging colleague, Bernie Carr, is a concise, easy to read guidebook for getting started without all the falderal about building a bunker full of stuff. Instead, it offers a roadmap for getting started with emergency and disaster preparation in a practical and pragmatic manner.
    FordEx Group 300lm Mini Cree Led Flashlight Torch Adjustable Focus Zoom Light Lamp: Here we go with another flashlight. At the time of this writing, this one is only $3.65. It is super mini sized, bright and waterproof. Plus, it uses a single, standard AA sized battery. This my number one deal!
    Survivor HK-106320 Outdoor Fixed Blade Knife with Fire Starter: Equipped with a full-tang, matte-finished, black stainless-steel tanto blade, this versatile and practical military-style tanto knife is a terrific choice for knife enthusiasts. The knife also includes a thick green cord-wrapped handle that allows for a secure and comfortable grip, along with a pommel lanyard that keeps your blade handy at all times. Other features include a durable green nylon belt sheath with a Velcro securing strap, a magnesium alloy fire starter, and a total length of 7 Inch.
    ProForce Commando Wire Saw Bulk, Ideal For Survival Kits: This saw qualifies for the Almost Free page since it is currently only $2.34 with free shipping. Here is what one reviewer had to say:
    “When I got the saw, I thought it was a dinky little wire. My expectations were blown away!! I can cut a three inch tree in three min. I would much so recommend that you get this saw.”
    FROM THE ALMOST FREE DEPARTMENT - SURVIVAL GEAR FOR $5.00 OR LESS: This page is due for an update but the deals are still good.
    The Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage: My eBook will provide you with everything you need to create an affordable food storage plan, including what to buy and how to store it. Nothing scary and nothing overwhelming – you really can do this!
    Shop the Emergency Essentials Monthly Specials: The monthly specials at Emergency Essentials feature discounts of up to 35% off sometimes a bit more.

    Every family should have at least one Tote-able Toilet. I have priced purchasing the bucket and toilet seat lid separately and found that it was more economical to pick up this kit (currently on sale for $14.95). I have filled my portable potty with sanitation supplies plus, of course, plenty of TP.

    I also recommend the Mobile Washer. This is hand operated washing machine. Like a plunger, it uses a technique of pushing and pulling the water through clothes to clean them well without wearing them out. It uses a minimum of water and less soap due to the agitation motion. Use in a bucket (5-gallon suggested), sink or tub. The best part is the price – only $14.95.

    Last edited by kathyet2; 02-18-2014 at 11:15 AM.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2013
    12 Months of Prepping: Month One

    February 12, 2014

    Getting prepared, and becoming a Prepper, has got to be one of the more important challenges for families living in the the 21st century. The reasons are clear.
    We live in an uncertain world with a shaky global economy, extremes in weather, an increase in superbugs, a risk of an EMP, and the threat of attack by militant political regimes. Add to that an increase in our dependence on petroleum products and the unbalanced distribution of wealth and indeed, there is cause for worry.
    For these reasons, a sizable segment of the population has turned to prepping and family preparedness as a solution to the inherent dependence we have on supermarkets, shopping malls, organized medicine and governments. It is not that these entities are going away, not all it all. It is simply that we do not want to have to be dependent.
    Instead, we prefer to embrace what is commonly called the “Survival Mindset”.

    What is the Survival Mindset?

    The survival mindset is a frame of mind whereby daily life is focused on the pursuit of of independence and self-reliance. This focus is done in a non-obtrusive way to the determent of no one and the betterment of everyone. It is a lifestyle and a commitment to preparedness and to courage, to optimism and to family values. Ultimately, it is the will to live and to survive with the knowledge that you have done the very best you can to protect yourself and your family from danger and the woes that come from living in complicated and uncertain times.
    What I have just described is also the Backdoor Survival mindset. And while I would like to think that it is the very best description out there, I am not arrogant enough to think that what works for me will work for everyone. But – and you know how I like to do this – whether you are an experienced prepper or a newbie that is just beginning to get your toes wet, you need to think about your own personal Survival Mindset and move to a survival place that meets your own needs.
    Okay. Enough said abut that. Let us begin with 12 Months of Prepping: Month One.

    • Water-3 gallons per person and per pet
    • Hand-operated can opener and bottle opener
    • Canned meat, stew, or pasta meals – 5 per person
    • 2 flashlights with batteries

    Let’s talk about water first.
    Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with an unquenchable thirst? That thirst is a signal that your body is dehydrated and is lacking a sufficient quantity of fluids to function. When this occurs, the blood in your body is compromised. More succinctly, it gets completely whacked out. And the result? In addition to increased thirst, dry mouth & throat and chapped lips – all of which are annoying – there is a risk of lethargy, dizziness, decreased urine output, constipation, migraine headaches, wild fluctuations in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and ultimately, lack of consciousness. Much more, at this point, than a mere annoyance, this can, in fact, be life threatening.
    So how bad really is dehydration? Back in 2001 I ended up being carted to the hospital by the local EMTs as a resulted of dehydration caused by food poisoning. Shelly, who is known as the Survival Husband, thought he was losing me; it was not a pleasant experience.
    So yes, think about water storage now and make it your number one priority.
    There are lot of ways to store water. You can purchase a 55-Gallon Barrel, you can stock up on bottled water, or, if money is tight and you are willing to do a little work, you can clean and fill some empty soda bottles with water from your tap and store them someplace cool and protected for up to six months. I have written an article on do-it-yourself water storage which you can go back to if you need some guidance with your water storage: Survival Basics: Water.
    The next items on the list are related: canned goods and a manual can opener. The goal here is to put away some food items that you enjoy, that require minimal cooking, are tasty and – here is the rub – are calorie dense. This is not the time to worry about the very best in low fat, diet-friendly foods. What you are looking at are foods that are going to feed your body with energy.
    Have you ever analyzed the contents of M.R.E.’s? (If you are not familiar with that term, M.R.E. stands for “Meal ready to eat” such as the precooked and prepackaged meals used by military personnel in combat.) Many such meals seem tiny in quantity by today’s standards and yet the total calorie count, per meal, is up to 1,200 calories or more.
    The moral of this lesson is that in a crisis or emergency situation, your body needs fuel and fuel means calories. As you are planning your canned food storage items, think calories and lots of them.
    Raid the pantry to find canned foods that can be moved to emergency storage
    One of the easiest ways for a beginner to tackle their initial food storage needs is to open up their cupboard or pantry and raid the contents. And for the more experienced prepper? You are still going to want to take a peek in your cupboards and take a look at the foods you are currently eating and hopefully enjoying. Have you included these with your existing supplies? What better time than now than to go take a look. Pick and choose some new items and add them to what you already have.
    Here are some of the canned and prepared food items that I personally have stored away in my survival pantry:

    • Canned chicken
    • Canned beef
    • Canned Soups
    • Canned beans
    • Canned chili
    • Mac and Cheese
    • Peanut Butter
    • Pilot Crackers in a tin

    For a more thorough list of ideas of food items to store for an emergency, see 20 Items to Kick Start Your Food Storage Plan. Keep in mind, however, that this is only month one and you do not need to stock your entire food pantry at once.
    In addition to food, we have flashlights and batteries on our list of Month One supplies and gear. This is one area where you are going to want to do a bit better than your 99 cent flashlight from the Dollar Store. Not that I don’t love those little LEDs that cost just a few bucks each but in a power outage, you are going to need something a bit more powerful. I like the Eveready lantern-style flashlights that can be modified so that they last a full 2000 hours. I also own a number of Maglites which are dependable and heavy enough to also be used as a weapon. If you have a few extra dollars, then by al means get a few of these $4 Mini Crees from Amazon and stash them around the house. You can never have too many flashlights.
    And then there are batteries – lots of batteries. It is all well and good that you are a good steward of our planet and use rechargeable batteries but trust me, in a power out, grid down situation, you will be thankful that you have a healthy supply of standard alkalines as well.

    • Inventory the disaster supplies you already have on hand, including your camping gear
    • If you fill your own water containers, mark them with the date they were filled
    • Date cans of food and food containers if you have not already done so

    The first task in Month One is to inventory your existing supplies, especially any outdoor or camping gear that you may already own. What I did when I first got started prepping is walk around the house, yard and garage, taking note of items I had on hand that could be used if the power were out, if a natural disaster or storm shut down the roadways, or if there was some other crisis.
    Here is a list of some of the things you can look for as you undertake a walk-around inventory. This is not a comprehensive list, just some ideas to get you started.

    • First aid supplies
    • Warm blankets
    • Outdoor cooking facilities
    • Cooking fuel
    • Knives, hatchets and saws (for cutting away brush)
    • Hiking boots
    • Self-powered radio gear
    • Sleeping bags & tents
    • Lanterns
    • Firearms and self defense items

    Remember, at this point we are merely taking an inventory so you can assess any gaps in your gear and begin thinking about the purchases you will need to make in future months. You can also use this time to note the condition of the gear you have on hand and make repairs if any are needed.
    Note: Next month we will talk about assessing specific risks so you can better plan for mitigating the consequences of those risks. For now, however,the important thing is to simply take stock of what you already own.
    The final task for Month One is to get out those Sharpie’s or other permanent marker and note the date you filled your water containers and the date you purchased the food you set aside for emergency use. Many will argue that you should mark everything with the expiration date but to my thinking, you need a PhD in code breaking to understand those expiration dates that appear on cans and packaged food.
    I feel you are much better served by focusing on an effective rotation system – first in first out – using the approximate purchase date as a rough guideline. Couple that with rotating food and water twice a year when you change the clocks for daylight savings time and you should be all set.
    The Final Word

    The very first month in implementing a preparedness plan does not have to be difficult, nor does it have to be time consuming or unnecessarily expensive. Please, whatever you do, do not get frustrated. There is a lot of support in the online community, including the kind folks that visit this website. Ask a question and surely someone will reach out to help with an answer; if not here then on Facebook or one of the other social media platforms.
    And what if you are a more experience prepper? What better time than now to go back and review your progress and perhaps share your experience with an unenlightened family member or a favorite friend. Send them a copy of this article and help them formulate their own survival mindset and preparedness plan.
    Be patient and gentle with them if they don’t at first understand. In the long run, they will thank you.
    Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

    Click Here To Vote For Me at Top Prepper Websites!
    If you have not done so already, please be sure to like Facebook which is updated every time there is an awesome new article, news byte, or link to a free survival, prepping or homesteading book on Amazon. You can also follow Backdoor Survival on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ and purchase my book, The Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage from Amazon.
    In addition, when you sign up to receive email updates you will receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.
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    Recent purchases from Emergency Essentials
    The monthly specials at Emergency Essentials feature discounts of up to 35% off sometimes a bit more. I have a monthly budget and each month I add a bit more freeze dried food and other products to my long term storage – always making my selection from sale items.
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    Jun 2013
    Monday, 17 February 2014 19:00 Globalists Unveil Socialist-backed New World Tax Regime

    Written by Alex Newman

    As various tax-funded international institutions explicitly outline plans to plunder humanity’s wealth to prop up governments drowning in odious debts, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) last week officially unveiled a new socialist-backed plot to create a global tax information-sharing regime to ensure that nobody except the establishment escapes the upcoming fleecing. Under the proposed scheme, admittedly inspired by “FATCA,” the Obama administration’s latest addition to the sprawling U.S. tax regime, governments and dictatorships worldwide will automatically share all private financial data on citizens with each other to extract as much wealth as possible from the public.

    Calling its scheme to put the final nail in the coffin for financial privacy “game changing,” the tax-funded OECD said it would require governments to collect massive amounts of sensitive personal information on individuals from banks and other financial institutions in their jurisdictions. Once gathered, the vast troves of private data would be automatically exchanged between all participating governments and dictatorships. “You collect the data, you put it in the pipe and it goes to the other party,” said OECD tax policy boss Pascal Saint-Amans, who pays no taxes on his bloated tax-funded salary.
    Over 40 governments, which the Paris-based OECD misleadingly refers to as “countries,” have already committed to adopt the controversial scheme. In a “joint statement,” participating governments celebrated the plot, which they believe will help extract more revenue from the public. “Tax evasion is a global problem and requires a global solution,” said representatives from dozens of governments, including more than a few run by self-described socialists. “We therefore strongly support the development of the single global standard for automatic exchange of information between tax authorities.”

    Sounding suspiciously like a threat, the participating governments also claimed that only countries with rulers who submit to the draconian new regime will “prosper in the future.” In other words, join the global tax regime and violate the privacy rights of everyone in the jurisdiction, or suffer financial penalties. “We call on other countries and jurisdictions to commit to join this initiative at the earliest opportunity with the aim of rapidly creating a truly global system of automatic information exchange,” the governments continued in their joint statement.
    Among the early participants in the scheme is the imploding socialist regime ruling Argentina — currently searching frantically for wealth to plunder as the economy it misrules collapses around it. Also onboard is the radical South African Communist Party-African National Congress regime, which has been implicated in genocide in South Africa by the world’s leading expert in the field. Not coincidentally, at a 2012 summit in South Africa hosted by the SACP-ANC government, the premier global totalitarian alliance known as Socialist International signed a declaration demanding global taxes, a planetary currency — and a global tax-information-sharing regime along the lines of what was outlined last week by the OECD.
    “There is a pressing need to dismantle tax havens, close loopholes and create automatic tax record exchange systems,” claimed one of the resolutions adopted last year by the socialist outfit’s oftentimes brutal members, many of which are currently in power in ruthless autocracies around the world. “Only under the auspices of a new Global Financial Architecture can this take place, one that significantly increases transparency and strengthens enforcement of the regulations.”
    In fact, the OECD even boasts of its collaboration on the plot with tyrannical socialist regimes famous for human rights abuses and in some cases, even mass murder. “Working with partner countries (including Argentina, Brazil, China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa), the OECD is advancing rapidly in the development of a common model for reporting and automatic exchange of certain account information held by financial institutions, including due diligence rules, reporting formats and secure transmission methods,” the outfit explained before releasing the actual plan on February 13.
    A senior OECD bureaucrat claimed that the Obama administration had also committed to “early adoption” of the new world tax plot, though experts and analysts have pointed out that the U.S. president has no lawful authority to follow through on such a pledge without approval from Congress. Multiple EU member governments have also reportedly promised to adopt the scheme. More than a few brutal autocracies are expected to join as well, making the potential for abuses of the highly confidential data even more alarming to analysts.
    Developed at the behest of the G-20, a group of the most powerful governments and tyrants including the barbaric communist dictatorship ruling mainland China, supporters of the new tax regime are demanding that it be in effect by 2015. Finance bosses for G-20 powers are expected to sign off on it later this month at a meeting in Australia. With the unaccountable bureaucrats almost always more than happy to trample individual rights and siphon more wealth out of the productive sector, little to no official opposition is expected. Plus, powerful socialist forces and tax-funded “non-governmental organizations,” so-called, are already working overtime to make sure the scheme moves forward.
    The New American first reported on the G-20 and OECD global-tax plot early last month. Backed by socialist luminaries and international bureaucrats at various outfits funded primarily by U.S. taxpayers, the planetary regime is being pushed under the guise of ensuring that governments can collect as much tribute as possible. The global plot is admittedly based on a “devastating” new Obama administration taxation scheme known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, which purports to force all governments and banks worldwide to become agents of the IRS. Some analysts and critics of the OECD’s international version of the regime have referred to it as “GATCA.”
    If and when it goes into effect, governments all over the world will have instant access to people’s most sensitive financial records including bank accounts, assets, income, insurance, interest paid, capital gains, property ownership, investments, sale of real estate, and more. In other words, the age-old notion of innocent until proven guilty is being flipped on its head, and authorities will not require any warrants or even suspicion to search through people’s highly personal information in search of potential crimes. Critics are already sounding the alarm on the vast array of possible abuses and problems that could result from the scheme, too. The OECD, though, celebrated the move.
    “Globalization of the world's financial system has made it increasingly simple for people to make, hold and manage investments outside their country of residence,” noted OECD boss Angel Gurria in a statement, calling the new tax-information plot “a real game changer.” “This new standard on automatic exchange of information will ramp up international tax co-operation, putting governments back on a more even footing as they seek to protect the integrity of their tax systems and fight tax evasion.”
    The repercussions of the OECD scheme for Americans and people around the globe — especially when it comes to financial privacy and economic freedom — will be crushing, experts argue. Among other problems, supporters of free markets and tax competition point out that the global taxation scheme aims to crush inter-jurisdictional competition, a key historical factor contributing to better policies and lower taxes. Analysts also say the end goal is the creation of a planetary taxation authority, which globalists have been foaming at the mouth to foist on humanity for decades.
    Of course, the staggering financial costs of implementing the new regime to abolish financial privacy worldwide will ultimately be paid by the victims of the scheme: consumers and taxpayers forced to pay higher prices and more taxes to have their rights trampled on. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the scheme, however, is that it comes on the heels of openly declared plots to fleece humanity under the guise of propping up debt-laden bloated governments that borrowed trillions of dollars to bail out big banks and other cronies amid the economic crisis.
    A recent IMF report, for instance, called for a “one-off tax on private wealth,” but noted that measures such as capital controls would have to be adopted prior to the plundering to ensure that nobody could escape. As multiple analysts have already pointed out, there will, of course, be more than enough loopholes in the new world taxation regime for the truly mega-wealthy members of the global establishment to protect their own ill-gotten wealth from outright confiscation. The rest of humanity, however, will suffer the consequences if the brakes are not slammed on the scheme very soon.

    Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. He can be reached at
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    Money from you and yours from your pocket to thiers!!!!! Now that is sustainable development!!!! I call a new development for themselves worldwide...

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