Turning Local Police into Federal Informants

Written by Gary North on May 1, 2012

This recruiting video was produced by the U.S. government. It invites local police to become informants.

This is part of a national program: SAR (Suspicious Activity Reporting).

We are told that terrorists are involved in pre-cursor activities — suspicious activities. It is possible for local police officers to become trained in observing and reporting these activities. Once informed, they can pass on this information to an appropriate Washington agency.

There is federal money in this for local police departments.

This must be done while honoring everyone’s civil liberties, the video informs us.

Wikipedia reports as follows:

The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) is a program of the United States Government used to collect and share reports of suspicious activity by people in the United States.The Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) builds on what law enforcement and other agencies have been doing for years — gathering information regarding behaviors and incidents associated with criminal activity — but without the customary restrictions on collecting data on individuals in the absence of reasonable suspicion or probable cause. The program has established a standardized process whereby SARs can be shared among agencies to help detect and prevent terrorism-related criminal activity. This process is in direct response to the mandate to establish a “unified process for reporting, tracking, and accessing [SARs]” in a manner that rigorously protects the privacy and civil liberties of Americans, as called for in the 2007 National Strategy for Information Sharing (NSIS). Reports of suspicious behavior noticed by local law enforcement or by private citizens are forwarded to state and major urban area fusion centers as well as DHS and the FBI for analysis. Sometimes this information is combined with other information to evaluate the suspicious activity in greater context. The program is primarily under the direction of the US Department of Justice.

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Turning Local Police into Federal Informants