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Also, We just received word that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is hiring new officers around the nation. If you are interested, or if someone in your family is interested then please send them to the ICE website to apply.

We need good people that are serious about the job of enforcing our immigration laws to join and work for ICE! Don't let these openings go to someone who just wants to collect a check. Let's send ICE applicants that care about doing a GREAT JOB!

Now Hiring: Immigration Enforcement Agents

ICE has an immediate need for hundreds of Immigration Enforcement Agents nationwide. These federal officers perform a variety of law enforcement duties--including the apprehension, processing, prosecution, detention and deportation of illegal and criminal aliens. Qualified applicants must register online for the written test during the scheduled open period, October 24 to November 14, 2005.

To discuss this Hiring opportunity or to share feedback about your application process visit..


PS: Only 7 days left in our October fundraiser. Please send in your contribution today or visit the following link to chip in... ... page&pid=9