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  1. #1
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Voters Will Rebuke President Obama and Mexico's attack on De

    Voters Will Rebuke President Obama and Mexico's attack on Democracy in America

    July 7, 2010


    CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC
    Â* (866) 703-0864Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*

    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is speaking out and encouraging all Americans to speak out against President Obama's attack against Arizona's new immigration enforcement law, which is an attack on all Americans who want illegal immigration stopped and an attack on the self-governance of American citizens.

    "Obama is joining with the corrupt government of Mexico to attack Democracy in America and a popular state law which simply mirrors the Federal laws he swore an oath to enforce," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "The public backlash against Obama's despotic behavior will manifest in the 2010 elections in historic proportions. Obama wants to take down Arizona and the efforts to restore the Rule of Law in America. Now it is time for Americans to politically take down Obama."

    ALIPAC is launching a talk radio and Internet campaign to encourage Americans to contact their members of Congress to demand Congressional action to stop President Obama's administration from further damaging American security, sovereignty, and principles. ALIPAC is asking Congress to intervene to stop Obama's lawsuit against Arizona.

    ALIPAC's efforts will also focus on organizing Americans behind Congressional campaigns that support Constitutional governance where We The People of the United States determine policy, instead of Obama's authoritarian edicts.

    "Obama is displaying a pattern of power abuse and revealing that he is an authoritarian ruler who erroneously believes he can create policy, instead of Congress," said William Gheen. "Americans need to wake up, unify, and organize against this despot in the White House, while we still have a country that can be saved."

    Americans expect the Federal government to perform one duty above all others and that duty is to protect American citizens from harm from elements outside of the nation. The Obama administration is refusing to defend American jobs, wages, property, security, health, and lives from attacks conducted against civilians by foreign powers that are aided by traitors inside of the United States.

    Public opinion is rapidly turning against Obama, a trend which will be increased and accelerated by his effort to thwart Democracy in Arizona via a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ). The Arizona law is supported by 60-81% of Americans according to numerous scientific and certified polls.

    "Obama has just made a huge mistake," said William Gheen. "We are going to clean his political clock in the elections this November and the American public is going to surround this despot in the White House with new members of Congress who are ready to stop the President's affronts to our Republican form of governance in America and her states."

    Obama is weakening America and showing a pattern of despotic behavior by attacking freedoms, Democracy, and Constitutional governance. Examples include his attempts to gain the power to shut down parts of the Internet, restricting freedoms of the press around the BP oil spill disaster, securing special treatment and Amnesty for his illegal alien aunt Zeutini Onyongo, cutting of Federal worker access to websites with opinions that oppose his administration, encouraging the Department of Homeland Security to falsely demonize his political opponents as potential domestic terrorists who threaten the lives of police officers, while leaving our borders open to terrorists and gangsters from other nations, ending all work site raids to arrest illegal aliens, and refusing to secure the borders during a time of war as required by the US Constitution, and pushing the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty plan, which would turn millions of illegal aliens into voters thus destroying the borders of the United States forever.

    To schedule interviews and receive more information about ALIPAC's efforts to stop Obama and Mexico's attacks on American sovereignty, please visit or call (866) 703-0864.


    Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
    Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
    FEC ID: C00405878
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States
    added to the homepage and going out to the nation now

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Re: Voters Will Rebuke President Obama and Mexico's attack o

    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC
    Voters Will Rebuke President Obama and Mexico's attack on Democracy in America

    ALIPAC is launching a talk radio and Internet campaign to encourage Americans to contact their members of Congress to demand Congressional action to stop President Obama's administration from further damaging American security, sovereignty, and principles. ALIPAC is asking Congress to intervene to stop Obama's lawsuit against Arizona.

    This is excellent, and must be supported on the highest priority.

    Equally, one must reflect on the political landscape and grasp why it is we have come to the current crisis.

    We have been bitten by a Two-Headed Serpent - One Head is a Democrat, One Head is a Republican.

    The ONLY solution to kill this serpent is to attack BOTH heads. If only one head is slain, the poisonous venom from the other head will STILL KILL YOU!

    Americans MUST attack BOTH heads if we are to come out of this battle alive as the United States of America as we know it.
    Join our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & to secure US borders by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  4. #4
    Senior Member forest's Avatar
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    A very nicely written letter. I especially like the statement re: obama "we are going to clean his political clock".
    As Aristotle said, “Tolerance and apathy are the first virtue of a dying civilization.â€

  5. #5
    Junior Member Janazur's Avatar
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    Obama has essentially said that yes our borders are open and no we are not going to enforce our immigration laws so everyone can come on in. Mexico and the terrorist are sitting back laughing at us, it's part of his plan. He wants whites fighting Mexicans, that splits us open and makes us weak. Now our own federal government has filed suit against one of it's own states. What does that say for Obama's intentions? It's really sad that impeachment proceeding haven't been started against Obama for treason. What does that say for our Congress's intentions. They are all in this conspiracy together.

  6. #6
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    TEXAS - The Lone Star State
    What is worse, Mexico being able to file a legal brief in the lawsuits.
    OR the US Government suing the state of arizona ?

  7. #7
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesw62
    What is worse, Mexico being able to file a legal brief in the lawsuits.
    OR the US Government suing the state of arizona ?


    When in United States history has a foreign nation entered into an immigration rights lawsuit against a sovereign state of the United States. The basis of this authority is what, who, and with what intent?

    When has such a nation been given aid and comfort by the United States Federal Government against a sovereign United States state (Arizona)?

    Missouri has had a law very similar to AZ SB 1070 now for at least four years, and has never been sued by the federal government, and to date has not been challenged on theirs.

    Why is that?
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Northern Arizona
    I am fighting mad. I have just read the "Complaint" against AZ (26 pages ... wsuit.html ) and the "Brief" (54 pages ) that was filed and this is Bull!

    This administration is SO concerned about KISSING MEXICO'S ASS and NOT OFFENDING MEXICO that they are treating AZ like a child needing discipline and throwing US to the wolves.

    Jan Brewer is the first AZ Governor I've EVER been PROUD to say is MY Governor!

    We in Arizona are under SIEGE by a FOREIGN NATION, and THIS IS HOW WE'RE TREATED!!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZres
    Jan Brewer is the first AZ Governor I've EVER been PROUD to say is MY Governor!

    We in Arizona are under SIEGE by a FOREIGN NATION, and THIS IS HOW WE'RE TREATED!!!

    All the rest of us are extremely proud of Governor Brewer and stand with you and all the CITIZENS of Arizona in this fight.

    Join our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & to secure US borders by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  10. #10
    JBK is offline
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    I stand with Governor Brewer and the citizens of Arizona too. I am proud of her and the stand she has taken, I hope she realizes the backlash she has received is to be expected but I really believe far more side with her than against...Put the Feds in their place ARIZONA!!!
    John B. King

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