America the disintegrating?

Top pick describes class, cultural, ethnic and racial battles
Whether "America the Beautiful" quickly is becoming "America the Disintegrating," is the top question asked by writer, speaker and columnist Pat Buchanan in his book "Day of Reckoning," the top selection at this week.

"Torn apart by a culture war, America has begun to Balkanize and break down along class, cultural, ethnic, and racial lines," he writes. "Free trade is hollowing out U.S. industry, destroying the dollar, and plunging the country into permanent dependency and unpayable debt. One of every six U.S. manufacturing jobs vanished under Bush. The Third World invasion through Mexico is a graver threat to U.S. survival than anything happening in Afghanistan or Iraq…"

Buchanan reveals in his book the true existential crisis of the nation.

"Ideology," writes Buchanan, "is a Golden Calf, a false god, a secular religion that seeks vainly, like Marxism, to create a paradise on earth. While free enterprise is good, the worship of a 'free trade' that is destroying the dollar, de-industrializing America, and ending our economic independence, is cult madness."

He concludes that America must stand for freedom and self-determination, but the use of U.S. troops around the world is imperial folly, and the nation should speak out for human rights, but "the idea that we get in Russia's face and hand out moral report cards to every nation on earth is moral arrogance."

Complete text linked below:
America the disintegrating?
Posted at 12:46 AM on 2/1/2008 | Permanent Link