You know I almost did not bring this over, I think which ever side of the fence you look at on this issue there are too many wrongs to make a lot of rights. But as I watched this video all that I could think of was that the parallels are so much alike to what is going on in our own Country. We see it everyday with the systematic take over of our Country State by State...and many of this that are occurring here. This actually gave me a chill..

What ever you think of Helen Thomas, I can only say at least she says what she believes in and I admire that..that is freedom of speech.

The most veteran reporter on the Washington Press Corps...

And consistently the most courageous.

She was fired for questioning Israel's ongoing abuse of Palestinians.

The price?

1. Fired from her job

2. The Washington Press Corps Association "leaders" want to take back her lifetime of awards.

Free speech in America?

As long as you talk about the right things,
the right way.

Fortunately, there are a few heroes left in

Here's one we can be proud of.

