Conservative Lady

Was Benghazi a Set up of Hillary So Mooch Could Run For President?

Was Benghazi a Set up of Hillary So Mooch Could Run For President?

Posted on 6 March, 2014 by Rick Wells

Open your eyes, my friends to an unimaginable horror. Michelle Obama is running for president of the United States.
Neither Obama will willingly choose to give up their lifestyle of luxury at the bottomless purse of the American people. She’s campaigning now to be the next Democrat and the first female president. What worked once can work again. They’ll go back to the well of emotional voting once more.
They only need to buy another four years, eight at the most. If they are successful, presidential elections will soon either be a thing of the past or so completely controlled as to be foregone conclusions presented only to placate and deceive the masses. We might be at that juncture already.
Candidate Mooch recently gave a speech in which she echoed the present White House occupier’s “God’s work” comment, saying, “You’re changing lives. You realize that. … Keep it up.”
She followed the “heartfelt encouragement” with a shoulder squeeze of the appropriate nearby Obot, and brought out the anecdotal memory of her time “serving on a board of a community health center in Chicago, where she saw firsthand how primary care “can make a difference in the life of a community and a family.”
Apparently she’s got 20/20 vision, and was able to see all the way down from her lofty perch on a board into the needs of the little people huddled in the trenches. While implausible and probably a complete fabrication, her brainwashed loyalists will eat it up like brains to a zombie.
She then followed it up by raising her husband to an even loftier position, as he had elevated himself the previous week, saying “These places are not easy places to run, but you are doing God’s work.”
Just imagine for a minute, what is hopefully a truly ridiculous and totally implausible theory. Watch the video I linked here from the recommended 45 second point. She’s hard to look at and listen to, so at least save yourself the 45 seconds of discomfort.
Then notice Mooch’s mannerisms, pay attention to her cadence. She’s obviously been using the same speaking coach as B. Hussein uses. She is mimicking all of his motions and speech patterns. She’s running for president. But believe it or not, that isn’t the worst part. Fortunately, it is all just ridiculous speculation.
What if the whole Hillary Clinton Benghazi fiasco was a White House orchestrated set up of Hillary Clinton. The four Americans killed could have been what some political operatives might consider to be acceptable collateral damage in light of the “greater good” of eliminating the presumptive Democrat nominee.
Suppose that they persuaded her to take the Secretary of State job, telling her it would pad her resume and they would help her get elected in 2016, only to be secretly planning to deliberately sabotage any chances she had through what was ultimately an untraceable stand down order at Benghazi. The polarizing and loathed Ms Clinton surely has a closet full of skeletons to discourage her from bringing forward a defense of such an unbelievable tactic.
What if the intention was to let her do the leg work of promoting the idea of the first woman president but all along plans were in place for that position in history to go to B. Hussein Obama’s wife?
A quote from a previous socialist-leaning American president might make this scenario a little more plausible. FDR said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
FDR was speaking from personal experience and from his own observations and there is no reason to doubt that it is not still true today. Having said that, no accusations are made here, and nobody would want to impugn the integrity or the “sterling reputation” of anyone in the current administration.
This has to be just another of those nutty conspiracy theories. Interesting, thought provoking, but too wild to be credible, no matter what FDR said. We have an honorable, upstanding and law-abiding leadership in America. This is just crazy talk.