All one has to do is google "Street Kids of Mexico". This is a problem that has been going on for decades in Mexico. Kids, and I mean little kids living in the streets of Mexico. Abandoned by their parents because of poverty, physical and mental disabilities and even because the kids are not contributing enough to the family income. Kids preyed on, drug users and diseased. Kids that learn to lie, steal and cheat to survive.

This has been a problem and an embarrassment to Mexico. Todate this problem has not been solved. There are still street kids. Earlier generations of street kids have grown to adulthood.

We Americans are lectured on the family values of these illegal aliens from the south. The danger to these children that we create by enforcing our laws. No, I say Mexico clean up your mess, stop trying to place the blame on us. You created this problem - Take every one of your street kids and their children back to Mexico.