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Thread: Britain's Grooming Gangs: Part 1 54 alleged gangs involved in child sexual grooming

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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    Britain's Grooming Gangs: Part 1 54 alleged gangs involved in child sexual grooming

    Britain's Grooming Gangs: Part 1

    As far back as 2013, Britain's Attorney General stated in the House of Lords that 27 police forces were then investigating no fewer than 54 alleged gangs involved in child sexual grooming.

    Mon, 10/22/2018 - 02:00

    Authored by Denis MacEoin via The Gatestone Institute,

    On July 24, 2018, Britain's Home Secretary, conservative MP Sajid Javid, issued orders for research into the ethnic origins of the country's many sexual grooming gangs that had involved large numbers of loosely-termed "Asian men", who, over many years, had taken vulnerable young white British girls to use or pass on for sexual purposes. Most of the men have, Javid has stated been of Pakistani extraction, which makes the Home Secretary's intervention significant. Javid's father came, as did many other Pakistani immigrants, from Punjab, and with only £1 to his name. He became a bus driver, then a clothing store owner. Yet his five sons have all become fully integrated Britons, with successful careers in business, politics and the public sector. They are all models of second-generation immigrant achievement, miles away from the men in the gangs. Reporting on the Javid family, The Times wrote:
    "Javid's appointment as the first non-white person — and the first with a Muslim background — to hold one of Britain's great offices of state is the culmination of a six-decade family journey."
    Given the great potential for controversy over identifying ethnicity as a factor in serious crimes, Javid showed courage in taking this move only months after his appointment in April to lead the Home Office. Criticism came quickly from the Labour Party. "Jeremy Corbyn denied there was any 'problem' with Pakistani men and abuse, saying: 'The problem is the crime that's committed against women from any community." His combined political and ethnic experience will have shown Javid, based on previous Home Office bans and academic reports, that any such investigation might be used by the far right to attack Pakistanis and Muslims.
    Crossing party lines, Javid made his commitment to investigate the ethnic origins in a letter to Sarah Champion, the Labour Member of Parliament for Rotherham, the first city to experience grooming gangs on a large scale, and the site of the UK's largest ever child sexual abuse scandal. Just under a year before, Champion had come under fire for daring to draw public attention to the problem of the preponderance of Pakistanis in the gangs.

    First elected to parliament in 2012, Champion, in 2015, served as the Shadow Minister for Preventing Abuse. She was awarded the post in recognition of her work on child sexual exploitation, notably by chairing a cross-party inquiry into child sexual exploitation. The inquiry was done in conjunction with the children's charity Barnardo's, which published a report in April 2014. Unfortunately, Champion had to resign briefly in 2016, when a number of MPs stood down in an attempt to remove Jeremy Corbyn. She was appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities in October 2016, a role for which she was well suited. In November, she launched a National Action Plan (Dare2Care) to prevent child abuse and violence in teenage relationships.
    Then things went wrong. She remains an MP, but was forced to resign her shadow cabinet post nearly a year later, on August 16, 2017, after a major controversy. During an interview with BBC Radio 4, on August 10, she said, about a major grooming gang which had just been convicted in Newcastle upon Tyne:
    All the towns where these cases have gone on, the majority of the perpetrators have been British Pakistanis.... One of the things that, for example, on the news last night, there was a picture of eighteen of the people who were convicted, that seventeen of those were clearly Asian men. And it just pains me that this is going on time and time and time again, and the government aren't researching – you know – what is going on. Are these cultural issues, some sort of message going out inside the [Pakistani] community? We have got now hundreds of men, Pakistani men, who have been convicted of this crime. Why are we not commissioning research on what's going on, and how we need to check and how we need to change what's going on?
    On the same day, the less respectable tabloid newspaper, The Sun, published an article by Champion saying much the same. Entitled, "British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls and it's time we faced up to it", the article argued in part:
    For too long we have ignored the race of these abusers and, worse, tried to cover it up.
    No more. These people are predators and the common denominator is their ethnic heritage.
    We have to have grown-up conversations, however unpalatable, or in six months' time we will be having this same scenario all over again.
    The irony of all of this is that, by not dealing with the ethnicity of the abusers as a fact, political correctness has actually made the situation about race.

    Although Champion subsequently tried to distance herself from the article, it had done her no favours in the Labour Party, which has stressed its opposition to racism -- except against Jews. A cross-party group of MPs wrote to The Sun, condemning the article. Even though Champion had courageously stated that, "The perpetrators are criminals and we need to deal with them as such, not shy away from doing the right thing by fearing being called a racist", she was forced to resign on August 16.
    Ironically, another Labour MP, Naz Shah, herself of Pakistani origin, tried to deflect Champion's comments by stating, no doubt correctly, that nearly 90% of child abusers (presumably in the UK) are white men. She added, "What I won't accept, or tolerate, is a narrative that demonizes every Pakistani man as a rapist." But, of course, Champion had not been talking about child abuse in general in a mainly white country, only about the specifics of the grooming gang situation, previously unheard of in Britain; nor had she claimed for a moment that all Pakistani men were rapists. Not surprisingly, Shah herself (who had just been suspended in an antisemitism dispute, but then reinstated) was appointed in July this year to be the Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, the very post Champion had held.
    Champion, meanwhile, after death threats, had to be given increased security by the counter-terrorism police. So-called human rights activists, evidently caring nothing for the rights of little girls and teenagers in the North of England or presumably elsewhere, accused her of "industrial-scale racism."
    Champion, incidentally, was not the first to draw attention to the crimes and the perpetrators. Another MP, Ann Cryer, had revealed details about grooming gangs in her Yorkshire constituency, Keighly, as far back as 2003. When she did so, she was "ridiculed, branded a racist, a liar and a fantasist [and] forced to install a panic button in her own home."
    Champion's reputation was saved at an early stage by other MPs. Barry Sheerman, Labour MP for Huddersfield, a town where twenty-eight men of mostly Pakistani origin had been tried and sentenced only months earlier for the same offenses, declared that it was a "shameful and disgusting campaign against a courageous and remarkable woman". Most importantly, it was Sajid Javid, not yet Home Secretary, who spoke out in her defence. He tweeted, "Corbyn wrong to sack Sarah Champion. We need an honest open debate on child sexual exploitation, including racial motivation". It was an intention he fulfilled virtually as soon as he headed the Home Office.
    Although the sexual abuse of children and young teenagers occurs around the world, the grooming gang crisis in the UK, certainly in its wide extent, appears to be unique in the West. As far back as 2013, Britain's Attorney General, Lord Morris of Aberavon, stated in the House of Lords that 27 police forces were then investigating no fewer than 54 alleged gangs involved in child sexual grooming. He asked:
    "Is it collective amnesia that has blinded us to the underlying circumstances, whereby at least 27 police forces are investigating 54 alleged child grooming gangs?
    "Why has investigating and prosecuting in so many different parts of the country taken so much time?
    "Is it the fear of racialism, or is it the fact that many of these vulnerable girls come from care homes?"
    Four years later, in August 2017, the Daily Express presented a map showing eight towns and cities where gangs had been active. An inquiry in April had, in fact, already brought 29 men from Huddersfield to court, prior to a January 2018 trial in which all were convicted, thereby making the total nine cities.
    On September 15, 2018, what was described as "the most serious example of sex grooming yet to emerge in this country" was made public, following a speech in the House of Lords by Baroness Caroline Cox, a staunch defender of women's rights within Britain's Muslim communities.
    The case involved a girl, Sarah, who was abducted by a Muslim gang when 15, held in captivity for twelve years, forced twice into marriage, repeatedly raped, beaten, and made to endure eight abortions. As in other cases, her family's pleas for help were ignored by the police to whom they had turned. "I know Sarah and her family," said Baroness Cox. "Every sex grooming case is terrible. But the length and cruelty of her abduction make it the worst I have known."
    Sarah is a single victim, but it is likely that the gang involved will have dealt with more young women taken from the same streets.
    In 2017, the English Defence League, which some disparage as racist -- to which the EDL responds, "The truth cannot be racist" -- published online a list of "Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions". It provides a long, alphabetical list of "170 known completed trials with convictions for rape jihad offences at 68 main locations". The list may be of intrinsic interest, in that it provides links to news reports about these trials, but it is in reality, highly misleading.[1] First of all, there is no evidence that any of the men involved (most often one or two) had the least notion of conducting "rape jihad", a concept seemingly made up by the EDL.
    The behaviour of the grooming gangs differs greatly from the rapes and sexual harassments -- often of people above the age of 16, by men in general in Britain and in other countries -- in its clannish and organized nature. Pakistanis seem almost unique in combining efforts to engage in this harassment. That is why Javid's inquiry must proceed even if it does upset parts of the Pakistani and wider communities -- given that large numbers of those community members are themselves keen to see the matter cleared up and their reputations restored. These include other prominent British Muslims such as Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Mohammed Shafiq, and Nazir Afzal.
    Although Javid's inquiry will focus on the question of why it is Pakistani men who organize and dominate these gangs, it is important that this not be interpreted as a racist endeavour, as some have claimed it to be -- for example, when Sarah Champion was accused of "industrial scale racism". No one is claiming that the racial characteristics of the rapists are remotely a factor in their crimes, and no one should criticize the inquiry on such grounds.
    The problem, then, seems to stem not from race but from culture. Many people, trapped by the inquiry's emphasis on multiculturalism, appear to deem it "racist"to comment negatively on any culture except for Western (including Israeli) culture. For some, it is even racist to borrow from another culture's dress, food, religion, architecture, art or music – which they term "cultural appropriation" or "cultural voyeurism" -- instead of what it might well be: admiration and respect.
    The men in the grooming gangs are not proper representatives of many regular aspects of Pakistani culture and Muslim ethics. According to Ben Sixsmith:
    "Quite apart from being abusively adulterous, these criminals drank, did drugs, and made their victims have abortions. These were not, in other words, devout Muslim men."
    Speaking on the BBC's leading political debate show, Newsnight, Muhbeen Hussain, the founder of British Muslim Youth went so far as to deny that the men convicted were real Muslims:
    These grooming gangs were individuals that were using alcohol, using drugs and actually having 'sessions' exploiting these young girls. I don't know what's Islamic about drinking alcohol, drugs and exploiting young girls.
    Despite rising secularism in some cities, Pakistan remains a deeply religious society in which outward expressions of piety are ubiquitous, and blasphemy and heterodox allegiance are major social issues. So, the question comes to be: to what extent might some Pakistani values influence men like these?
    A partial answer is that, despite tight regulations concerning the behaviour of women in Pakistan and restrictions on male-female relationships there, the country, like some other Muslim countries, has a reputation for a high level of sexual harassment, even if this harassment does not take the form of grooming underage girls. Pakistani social activist Muhammad Usman Awan, for instance, has written at length about various forms of harassment in Pakistan. In one 2016 article, he writes:
    According to a research conducted by UNISON in 2008, more than 50% working women face sexual harassment in Pakistan. An increasing number of violence cases are filed every day and there is an even bigger number of incidents which go unreported. A total of 24119 of violence against women cases were reported during 2008-10 among which only 520 workplace harassment cases were filed...
    7,733 cases of violence against women were reported in the media in 2013. 1,516 were murdered while 472 were killed for reasons of 'honor'. The country has notoriously failed to curb the flow of harassment cases.
    Clearly, there is a predominance of physical violence here, but there are other forms of harassment, including the sexual harassment of women when they use public transport:
    The condition of public transport in Pakistan is not even close to a satisfactory level. Daily commute for an average Pakistani woman is through public transport buses. But commuting through these public buses has become considerably difficult because of the unwanted attention and indecent remarks.
    Harassment is especially experienced, it seems, in the workplace, as Pakistani journalist Nosheen Abbas has described in some detail. The bill on the harassment of women in the workplace that she writes about became an Act of Parliament in 2010, but has yet to make much of an impact. In a lengthy and detailed article in Dawn, published in May 2018, Nazish Brohi writes that things have improved since the 2010 law was passed, but that severe problems remain, particularly for women making complaints of harassment.
    Last year, Shahid Javed Burki, a former Pakistani finance minister and vice-president of the World Bank, spoke out about the treatment of women in his country, arguing that the low status given to women has had serious social, demographic, educational, and financial effects. He compares it to neighbouring Bangladesh, which, he said, has improved women's lot considerably, especially through their engagement in the workforce:
    "The main factor accounting for women's higher social status in Bangladeshi society is the rate of female participation in the labour force which, at 43.1 per cent, is almost double of Pakistan's 24.3 per cent."
    This problem is, in some measure, reflected in the UK, where Muslim women (mainly of Pakistani origin) face limitations on their participation in the workplace, in higher education, and even knowledge of the English language -- matters examined by Dame Louise Casey in her 2016 government review into opportunity and integration. Bringing Pakistani attitudes into the UK, often within segregated communities, only serves to perpetuate the belief that women are intrinsically the inferiors of men in all respects. Once women as such are demeaned to this extent, some men may come to regard sexual mistreatment of non-Muslim women as their God-given right. It is important to note that all of the women treated in this way are Muslims.
    One justification used for the UK grooming cases is that the girls involved are non-Muslims who may, as supposed inferiors, be attacked with impunity. Many victims of foreign rapists report that they have kept repeating that rape is permitted in the Quran.
    In addition, a female professor from al-Azhar, has claimed that Allah allows "Muslims to rape non-Muslim women to 'humiliate' them."
    The second part of this article will examine the roles played by an absence of integration combined with conservative or radical religious attitudes, as well as the Arab practice of taharrush jama'i (mass harassment), both of which may well be keys to why this abuse is happening in the first place.
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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    Voice of Europe

    Once peaceful British town shows crimes increase by two thirds in just one year

    Once peaceful British town shows crimes increase by two thirds in just one year

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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    Breitbart London

    London: Teen Slain in Doorstep ‘Gang Hit’, Migrant Drug Dealers Jailed for Murder

    Khan's London: Teen Stabbed to Death on Doorstep in 'Gang Hit'

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    Breitbart London

    Grooming Gang Victim’s Mother: Police Ignored Pleas to Find Charlene Because She Was Working Class

    Grooming Gang Victim's Mother: Police Ignored Pleas to Find Charlene Because She Was Working Class | Breitbart


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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    Leftist council ‘blocking’ major inquiry into child abuse by grooming gangs in Rochdale, UK

    By Politicalite 30 November 2018

    Shabir Ahmed, Adil Khan, Abdul Aziz and Abdul Rauf - four members of a child sex grooming gang from Rochdale

    Rochdale Council has been accused of blocking a major child abuse inquiry, Politicalite revealed.
    Campaigners from Parents Against Grooming, a grassroots organisation of parents who have been affected by the child grooming scandal in Rochdale have been consistently campaigning for a full inquiry into the role played in covering up abuse by Rochdale Borough Council – abuse which allegedly included victims who had been found dead “in mysterious circumstances.”
    Earlier this year, the former Labour Leader of Rochdale Council, Richard Farnell, was heavily criticised by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) panel which said that his claim to have no knowledge of abuse allegations at Knowl View school and the Cambridge House hostel, between the early 1960s and mid-1990s “defied belief”.
    The group thought they had found an ally in the Council’s Deputy Leader, Sara Rowbotham (Lab) who worked from 2003 to 2014 as Rochdale’s crisis intervention team coordinator and made hundreds of referrals to police which were dismissed.
    Eventually, she persuaded the Greater Manchester Police to investigate the issue seriously and nine men were convicted in 2012 of abuse and the story became a powerful BBC documentary, Three Girls.
    The struggle for a full inquiry to see that justice is done has however continued and Sara Rowbotham has found herself in an ideal position to bring about change. However, far from bringing about change, she has stood in its way.
    In a recording obtained by Politicalite, Rowbotham is heard saying that she told another Labour Councillor, Jackie Beswick that children were being abused in her ward but Beswick did “**** all” about it.
    Concerning Lynne Brosnan (Labour Councillor Kingsway Ward), Rowbotham says that Brosanan said to her “We all knew about Cyril Smtih, we all knew about Cyril Smith everybody did”. Challenged on why she didn’t do anything and by her inaction being complicit in child abuse, Rowbotham replied “yeah and then and then they come out like ambulance chasers”.
    Parents Against Grooming told Politicalite that they have comprehensive evidence of the cover-up and when they asked Rowbotham if she would stand by their side, she replied that she worried them taking the evidence to the media would make “engaging” with the council harder.
    Billy Howarth, one campaigner said he was “heartbroken” by Sara Rowbotham’s stance “we thought we had found the one person in Rochdale council who had a genuine heart for Survious” he said.
    Mainstream media outlets refuse to publish their story unless Rowbotham is present. They are calling for a full inquiry by the council or an independent body to expose the truth of what happened in Rochdale and plan to stand candidates in next years local elections targeting certain Labour councillors.
    UKIP spokesman for Families and Children Alan Craig, told Politicalite: “Billy Howarth and Dan Wolstencroft have worked courageously on behalf of the many CSA survivors in Rochdale, yet they have been let down and dumped on by the Labour-run Council.”
    “I’m delighted they’ve had the guts to publish the evidence of the betrayal and broken promises, Rochdale Council needs to be exposed for its deceitful practices and its lack of compassion for victims.”
    Mr Craig added: ” We can’t wait for the local elections in May when UKIP aims to punish the Labour Party for its self-serving political corruption!”
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  6. #6
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    What is wrong with these politicians? Give these "grooming gangs" their home addresses!


  7. #7
    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    UK Grooming Gang Receives £500k in Taxpayer Money to Pay Legal Costs

    Rotherham 'child rape brothers' get legal aid, dozens of victims left with nothing

    By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 19th July 2019 @ 1.00pm

    © press 'Child rape brothers' Arshid, Basharat and Bannaras Hussain receive £500k in legal aid

    Three members of the Rotherham grooming gang, dubbed the "Child Rape Brothers" by the British media, have been given £500,000 of UK taxpayers' money to cover their legal costs, according to reports.

    The "pure evil" brothers have received around half a million pounds (USD $626k) in legal aid after raping children in the South Yorkshire town in Northern England.

    Dozens of the child abuse gang's victims have yet to receive any compensation, however.The three men, Arshid, Basharat, and Bannaras Hussain - also known as Mad Ash, Bash, and Bono - formed a violent, gun-toting, drug-dealing gang.

    Despite running several fast-food restaurants, a petrol station, and an egg farm that supplies supermarkets, alongside owning a number of properties, the gang pleaded poverty.

    A Freedom of Information (FOIA) request reveals the brothers were awarded £370,000 (USD $464k) to pay for their legal defense during their 2016 crown court trial - all courtesy of the taxpaying British public, of course.

    This figure doesn't include other magistrates hearings and family court battles which experts say could amount to an additional £100,000 more.

    Survivors of the gang responded to news of the payout, calling it "outrageous" and "immoral."

    One top lawyer revealed that of the 86 victims he represents in the case, 70 have not yet received any of the compensation payouts they are owed.

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    Others have received sums as low as £2,000 each.

    © press One of the gang's victims, Sammy Woodhouse, said: 'This is completely outrageous and immoral'

    According to the Express, the Hussain brothers, who poured petrol over their victims, are said to have "owned" the South Yorkshire town for more than 10 years.

    Some girls were just 11 years old when they were raped, tied up and tortured and passed between abusers.

    Ringleader Arshid, 42, was jailed for 35 years, Bannaras 19 years, and Basharat was given 25 years.

    Sammy Woodhouse, 34, one of their 50 victims, said: "This is completely outrageous and immoral. "

    They have probably received 25 percent more money than what the survivors of their abuse have had in total as compensation.

    "Something needs to be put in place to stop these people just laughing at the system and milking the taxpayer dry."

    Former youth worker Jayne Senior MBE, who helped expose the scandal, said: "I'm totally shocked and horrified.

    "This is terrible."

    These rapists and abusers are pure evil but they've had almost half a million pounds spent on them, yet these poor girls get nothing.

    "It feels like the judicial system is not set up to protect victims of some of the most horrendous crimes of abuse, torture, and trafficking this country has ever seen.

    "Sammy added: "Perhaps if they had been forced to pay for their own defence it might have made them question even taking it to trial.

    "Instead they are able to get a free payout to have a trial defence, launch appeals and take it as far as they can - at absolutely no cost to themselves."

    She said the Hussain family had "loads of businesses." "Surely they could have afforded their own lawyers?" she added.

    "But I guess they probably put everything in other people's names. It's a disgrace."

    Neon Nettle @NeonNettle

    Pedophiles who ran a massive grooming gang in the UK raped and abused countless young children. They are now receiving over $1M in taxpayers money to help fight their battle to stay in the UK. …

    9:00 PM - May 30, 2018
    Twitter Ads info

    Sammy, who gave birth to a son after being raped by Arshid and is fighting social workers' attempts to allow the rapist access to the now 17-year-old child, also slammed "public servants at the police and council" who "failed" to do their jobs.

    She said: "Because they didn't do what they were paid to do and ignored what was going on they have now landed the public with paying all these legal fees for these men.

    "It's completely outrageous."

    The only people laughing in all this are the lawyers."

    Jayne Senior agreed, adding: "If we'd have listened to these girls all those years ago, the court cases would not have cost this much. "

    All the evidence was there decades ago.

    "They have also had to relive the abuse time and again because of the brothers' not-guilty pleas."

    They have property in this family which the Government should go after.

    "Why are they not instigating the Proceeds of Crime Act to recover this money? "

    These men should be punished more for trying to lie their way out of the crimes.

    "These girls deserve this money and should not be fighting for it. "

    It's about time we think about protecting them and not the perpetrators.

    "Many of these survivors are involved in other legal cases trying to fight for their children back amongst other things and have no access to legal aid."

    You can be the biggest criminal in the world and still get legal aid while these girls are fighting to get compensation.

    "Their criminal record reduces the amount of money they are awarded."

    These survivors are having to fight for every single penny in compensation for the abuse they went through. "That fight could go on for years."

    Neon Nettle @NeonNettle

    Pedophile Who Raped Girl Spared Jail: 'My Religion Doesn't Condemn Child Sex'

    - Adil Rashid was taught that women were 'worthless' so judge showed mercy …

    3:00 AM - Apr 5, 2018

    Solicitor David Greenwood revealed just 16 of his 86 cases have been finalized.

    He said:

    "There are about 70 girls still waiting for compensation."

    Everyone is entitled to representation but the way in which they conducted their defence - and I blame the perpetrators - was an insult to the girls.

    "There was so much evidence it was overwhelming and I fail to understand how they could get away with it."They wasted a lot of money trying to defend themselves."

    © press The 'Child Rape Brothers' received half a million pounds of taxpayer money to pay for their legal defense

    John O'Connell, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, said nobody should be denied justice because of their financial situation.

    "However, if there are cases where wealthy individuals are cheating the system to claim payments, that is completely unacceptable," he said.

    "Authorities must do all they can to make sure those who can pay for their own defence do so, otherwise those in need of help are missing out."

    A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: "

    Anyone facing a crown court trial is eligible for legal aid subject to a strict means test.

    "Without proper legal representation, a defendant might argue that their trial was unfair and any conviction they received could be quashed."

    [RELATED] Man Who Sexually Assaulted 24 Women Spared Jail as He Doesn't Speak English
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