From Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS)

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CA ALERT! Assembly bill targets sanctuary cities!

A bill by Assemblyman Bill Emmerson (R-Rancho Cucamonga) seeks to bar "sanctuary cities" from sending suspected illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds to other counties. AB 2333 would prohibit a county probation officer from placing an offender suspected of being in the country illegally in a residential group facility in another county.

The proposal is a response to an incident in 2008 when San Francisco, a self-proclaimed sanctuary city for illegal aliens, sent eight juvenile Honduran crack dealers to an unsecured group home in San Bernardino County rather than to federal authorities for deportation and a ban on returning to the United States. Within days, the eight offenders escaped from the home.

This bill will not outlaw sanctuary cities in California, but at least it makes a good start by making those localities live with the consequences of their acts instead of dumping their problems elsewhere.


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Title modified to "CA ACTION ALERT!...." with the hope that more Californians will respond accordingly!