Saw this on the Wa. Po site by a poster named Occam

Obama campaign slogans:
CHANGE ... what you'll have left after I raise taxes.
CHANGE ... my hat size because every day my head gets bigger
CHANGE ... what I do to my story depending upon whom I'm talking to.
CHANGE ... what I do every day to my foreign policy
CHANGE ... your lifestyle because the rest of the world doesn't like you
CHANGE ... my friends when they turn out not to be "The person I knew"
CHANGE ... what my radical left-wing ideologue handlers have in store for you
CHANGE ... what I do to facts to suit my needs.
CHANGE ... more of you into victims of something and build government programs to take care of you
CHANGE ... your mind and believe in me for I am the Obamessiah come to save you
CHANGE ... into sycophants; what the liberal mainstream media do under the spell of the Obamessiah
CHANGE ... the chant I use to control the weak-minded Obamanized masses
CHANGE ... into an Obamatron; join the cult, repeat the chant: CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE ...
CHANGE ... what I plan to do to America because it's the greatest country on the planet.
CHANGE ... the national anthems of all the nations of the world to Kumbaya using my messianic skills
CHANGE ... your underwear because you'll defecate in your pants when you wake up to find out what the left-wing liberal ideologues have done after gaining complete control of government.
CHANGE ... you better freaking BELIEVE in because it will WORK you.
Obama: the AUDACITY to count on you and I being DOPEs