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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    reno, nev


    Illegal immigration must be reversed.

    Illegal immigration must be stopped because it cost the American citizens too much. The fact that illegals will work for less than Americans is bringing down wages of Americas working class. Skilled and unskilled. Americans are getting less for the jobs they are doing and less for their money. Supply and demand bring prices of everything up. So the poor is getting poorer because of 12 million illegals who are adding to the demand.

    We cannot choose what laws to obey and which not to obey. We cannot choose to pay our taxes every two years. Our crimes are not forgiven just because it breaks up our families or because we want to feed our families. There are many parents who have broken the law in prisons that have left their children behind and the children suffer. Illegals chose to break the law when they entered this country illegally and if they are deported the children goes with them and the children may suffer. That is just the way life is. You make it what you want it to be. We have immigration laws for a reason. When you break one of them you have to break all of them to remains in this country.

    $5,000 fine plus fees over period of years in not a penalty for breaking every immigration law we have. This is a joke and it makes a mockery of all our laws. Illegals should leave and come back in this country legally. That is a penalty and the only penalty.

    We have poverty here, but we do not leave. We stay and deal with it. 12 million illegals at poverty level is making it ever harder for the poor we already have. They should stay home and work to make things better in Mexico. That would benefit all of Mexico. We cannot take on Mexico’s problems with all the problems we have. It will destroy us.

    They do not come to this country because of political or economic oppression but because of benefits our social system has to offer. American citizens pay for those benefits and they should only be for Americans citizens. We cannot afford to share them with other countries, altho our govenment has sent billions of the taxpayers money to Mexico. Mexico has a wealth of resources that is more than sufficient to care for it’s people. Many of those who came here illegally left jobs in Mexico. There are schools that are begging for student to apply for aid to attend their school. Many Americans are attend those schools. A better life can be found in Mexico for Mexicans if they worked as hard as we have to have the life we have. We will not sit quietly while it is taken away from us.

    Mexico has more resources than any other country south of our border. They will not starve and their children will be accepted as Mexican citizens as they are.

    Americans strongly oppose illegal immigration because it pits the poor of this country against the poor of other countries and that make the poor even poorer. Money that our government set aside for the poor has to be spread thinner with more poor people to serve. Some programs for the poor are being phased out and that takes away from the poor.These things that take away from our way of life make Americans angry and when people get angry they fight back. Too much is taken away from Americas poor and given to illegals.

    The only people who benefits from illegal immigration is businesses who want an unending supply of cheap labor and our government and special interest groups supporters of amnesty and illegals immigration. Those who represent illegals interest for a price.

    In order for this country to remain the greatest and get it’s credibility and respect back as a nation of laws and justice, illegals must go back to their countries and get in line with those who are playing by the rules. The right way is the only way. Otherwise, we are sending the message to all those waiting that our immigration laws are not worth the paper they are written on and if you break them you will be rewarded. Playing by the rule mean nothing and will get you no where. If you live south of our border and you can get in this country you can stay. But is you are Haitian or from some of the other countries and you come you will be deported. Our laws don’t seem to apply to all. Mexicans are given racial preference.

    You, the government, created this illegal immigration nightmare problem. You fix it. Fixing it does not mean giving citizenship to 12-20 and to their families that they can bring in. Fixing it means making the problems literally go away. More bills is not what we need. We only need those we have already enforced.

    If the laws that you already made is not enforceable, then what reason do we have to believe the new ones would be enforceable either. They are not broken and they are enforceable. They are being enforced by 2,000 ICE agents across this country. ICE is enforcing workplace laws and border agents are doing all they can to secure the border. They need more help but you and special interest people are doing everything they can to stop them from doing their job.

    We want illegal immigrants gone and we do not expect them to be wished away(Mr. Graham) deport them or force them to self deport by attrition. It been done before (1920 and 1954)
    and it can be done again. Enforce the laws we already have and they will leave on their own.
    We do not care how you do it.

    We have had enough. Do the job you are being paid to do or let someone else do it for you. You are not listening. Without us you are nothing. We pay your salaries and we can stop paying your salaries. You first duty is to us and not to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are not dealt with my giving them amnesty that will allow their families in by the millions. That included the elderly and the disabled who will not be in the work force and has never paid into the system that will give them All at the expense SSI, medicaid, subsidized housing, food stamps and a host of other benefits that social services have to offer.of the American taxpayer.

    Just because Hispanics have serve in our military does not warrant giving every Hispanic that comes into this country a free pass to citizenship. We are forever grateful for all those who have served in our military but that does not give special privileges to anyone else beyond their families.

    I will grow my own lettuce or stop eating it, clean my own house, watch my own kids, cook my own hamburger and cut my own lawn. How about you?

  2. #2
    Senior Member redbadger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The United States Of Invasion
    I will grow my own lettuce or stop eating it, clean my own house, watch my own kids, cook my own hamburger and cut my own lawn. How about you?
    Never look at another flag. Remember, that behind Government, there is your country, and that you belong to her as you do belong to your own mother. Stand by her as you would stand by your own mother

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2004
    I already do cut my own grass, cook my own meals and take care of my kids. So if the illegals are sent back, oh well. See ya! So who will it really hurt? The elites that are to damned lazy to mow their own lawn, cook their family a good meal, or clean up after themselves. So who are the lazy Americans that do not want to work? The ELITES!
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    reno, nev
    I know my posts seem to be by an angry old lady and I am been acursed of that by La Raza, but I am not angry. I am afraid, very afraid that my grand children will never know the country that I grew up in or if there will be a country for them. Not only by uncontrolled immigration but many other things. I want a little piece of it back. I cry a lot and pray a lot.

    Humans are very much like animals. when they are cornered and afraid is when they are most dangerouw and does the most damage. We have been conered.

    They, even now, ask me to tell them stories of how it used to be. I saw things changing twenty years ago and began to write things down for them to read about later when it's all gone.

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