Hillary's "rally" shown to be small, invite only press event

Millie Weaver | Infowars.com - SEPTEMBER 20, 2016

Millie Weaver catches up with Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia at her latest speaking event only to find out that Hillary staged it!

At Temple University, in a building designed to hold 4600 people, campaigners claimed the event had full capacity with just over 100 attendees.

Barred from entering, Millie was determined to get inside and go behind scenes to reveal what looks like a Hollywood movie set.

Consisting of mostly mainstream media crew, Hillary “bused in” High School students as crowd filler to minimize exposure that she needed help getting upstairs.

Using slight-of-hand to hide the motorcade and shifting her online schedule, Hillary was unable to keep Infowars from getting in and unveiling her dirty little secret.
