Hispanics Will “Unmake” America, Warns Think Tank

By Brian Anderson on January 8, 2014 Subscribe to Brian Anderson's Feed

Dr. Stephen Steinlight of the Center for Immigration Studies, a conservative think tank, has a dire warning for those who support immigration reform and amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens living here. He says that flooding this country with Latinos/Hispanics will forever shift this country towards socialism and will in essence “unmake” America.
“We can expect disaster. In sum, we’ll witness the unmaking of America,” he says.
The Republican Party would be the first casualty of this cultural invasion. Steinlight poses the obvious argument that democrats are pushing so hard for “reform” because they will benefit immensely from it.
“It would subvert our political life by destroying the Republican Party. The Hispanic vote will make the Democrats the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) of America. A GOP relic might survive regionally, but could never successfully contest a national election.”
As a result, Americans would be left with even less choice politically.
“America would turn into a One Party State which, like all others, would be tyrannical and corrupt. The political center would lurch to the left. Political liberty, the freedom to choose among authentically different alternatives, would be lost.”
He also warns that the cultural shift will virtually destroy our heritage and history. Everything you love about America will be gone. Mom, apple pie and Chevrolet will be replaced by Madre, flan, and…well I guess the Chevy will still be around but it will be a low-rider.
“A population transfer from one nation with a different language and political culture which will become the predominant future demographic will destroy social cohesion. The diversity of previous immigration safeguarded against this. Dual language/dual culture countries are plagued by Balkanizing social strife.”

As even some Republicans consider immigration reform, Steinlight warns that border security provisions proposed will have little effect in protecting our country.
“Amnesty will weaken national security, making America an easier target for Jihadist terrorism. Background checks on millions of illegal aliens will be cursory, just ‘rubber stamps.’ S.744 [The U.S. Senate’s amnesty bill] doesn’t even require applicants to verify identities in person. The CBO finds the Bill’s border security so ineffectual it would stop, at best, 30 percent of illegal entrants. DHS estimates some 30,000 border crossers annually come from countries on the Terrorist Watch List.”
And the economic disaster that looms from importing cheap labor:
“Amnesty will have brutal consequences for the most vulnerable Americans. Unfair competition with cheap immigrant labor already devastates America’s working poor and working Americans. The net fiscal effect of immigration is to transfer wealth from the poorest Americans to immigrants. The most authoritative study ever undertaken showed 44 percent of the decline in wages for the poorest Americans results from competition with cheap foreign labor. That was in 1995. Increased competition will yield more devastating results.”
Now try to guess who will suffer the most from this invasion?
“Amnesty will also destroy forever the dream that most African-Americans will find a secure place in America’s economy by having jobs with social dignity.”
Stephen Steinlight isn’t some crazy doomsday prophet standing on a street corner holding a sign saying the world is coming to an end. His predictions are spot-on. Even without amnesty, Latinos are poised to take over the majority of the US population by 2050. It’s already happened in California and it’s coming to the rest of the nation sooner than you think.
Being predominately Catholic, Latinos have somewhat conservative social views, but they skew socialist/communist when it comes to politics. They also have no love for American culture or tradition and absolutely no allegiance to the country that has given them everything. It’s not a paranoid racist delusion for Steinlight to say they will “unmake” America. It’s a fact.

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