"Hopefully, the voters of New Hampshire will not be fooled by McCain's "bottle of syrup" approach to AMNESTY, as they are smart enough to demand the illegal alien invasion cease immediately and vote accordingly."

Well the voters of New Hampshire were not smart enough to send the Straight Talking Express to the Mexican Border.

It's unbelievable to me how the voters of New Hampshire could be so apathetic to what illegal immigration is doing to this country.

I don't know, perhaps the problem is not as extensive as it is here in California, or for that matter, the rest of the country. Someone offered the analogy of getting New Hampshire Voters interested in illegal immigration is like trying to get Californians interested in tornados. Perhaps that analogy is correct. I don't know.

But thank god that New Hampshire is not represenative of the rest of this country or else the Straight Talking Express might just be parking on the West Lawn next....