According to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump’s TAX REFORM PLAN is “trickle-down economics on Super-Size Steroids’. CLICK HERE to hear Hillary Clinton’s own words in which she criticizes Trump’s tax reform plan.

She goes on to say “it is a billionaires plan for other billionaires. But the truth is, Trump’s plan is designed to reduce confiscatory taxes levied on America’s businesses which have not only helped to stagnate and bankrupt many of them and close their doors __forcing their employees to go on government assistance __but these outrages taxes and the Obama / Hillary Clinton Administration’s insane regulations have forced many other businesses to move to other countries with lower taxes and tolerable regulations.

The irrefutable fact is, “trickledown economics” works! When a businessman can afford to hire new employees because taxes are lowered and regulations are not overbearing, the increase in production earns new profits which trickles down to the newly hired employees.


And what does Hillary Clinton promise as tax reform for the middle class? CLICK HERE to find out!