Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

by Andrew Kirell | 11:48 am, June 13th, 2013V

According to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), if this current iteration of immigration reform passes through Congress, there will never again be a Republican president; and, instead, the United States will be governed by a permanent “liberal progressive” majority.

Speaking with WorldNetDaily, Bachmann warned that while her beliefs “may sound melodramatic,” she insists the dire consequences of immigration reform would be “that big and that important” to warrant sounding the alarms.

“This is President Obama’s number one political agenda item,” she said, “because he knows we will never again have a Republican president, ever, if amnesty goes into effect.” She added:

“We will perpetually have a progressive, liberal president, probably a Democrat, and we will probably see the House of Representatives go into Democrat hands and the Senate will stay in Democrat hands.”

This liberal majority, she added, would be based on the “permanent progressive class” created by giving “amnesty” to millions of illegal immigrants currently residing within the United States. As a result of this new voting bloc, she suggested, “you will never again be able to see our country return to its constitutional foundations.”

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[h/t RightWingWatch]
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