I have two questions for my sheriff candidates of both parties.

1. Where do you stand on illegal immigraton enforcement?
2. Where do you stand on Consitutional rights of citizens vs. Government agencies such as the EPA and BLM?

After reading this article learning more about Sheriff Tony DeMeo's encounters with armed agents from BLM, I have to wonder why these agents are harrassing ranchers in Nevada when they could be deployed to the border to supplement the BP. They are the ones that are the "keepers" of the pristine wilderness - making sure that no one walks on soil or plants. Why aren't they protecting the fragile ecosystems on the border? Are BLM agents being deployed from inland farm and ranching areas to the border?

Long Live The Constitutionalist Sheriff!

Categories: Archived Columns, Columns by Chuck Baldwin
One of the tragedies of the current misled, uninformed, and otherwise preoccupied American citizenry is the seeming apathy regarding the importance and necessity of electing constitutionalist sheriffs. In many ways, State governors and county sheriffs just might be the most important elected offices in America. It is no hyperbole to say that State governors and county sheriffs form the last line of defense against tyranny and oppression. If our governors and sheriffs do not understand the principles of freedom and federalism, there is virtually zero protection against the abuses of liberty–save the right of the people to personally and individually defend liberty via the principles of God-given Natural Law.

Hence, a freedom-minded sheriff is invaluable to liberty’s defense. And perhaps at no time in America’s history has it been more necessary that we elect freedom-loving sheriffs than it is today, what with the ever-growing propensity of the federal government to trample and usurp State and constitutional protections of freedom.

For example, in an almost totally non-reported incident, an armed conflict between federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents and a Nevada Sheriff’s SWAT team was averted only by virtue of the fact that, at the last minute, BLM backed down from the impending confrontation.

For the record: federal police agencies have a long history of committing illegal searches and seizures (even assault and murder–can anyone say, “Ruby Ridgeâ€