From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Monday 23AUG2010 Noon EDT


Because NumbersUSA gradecards have been used to raise questions about Arizona Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth's record on immigration . . .

. . . I want to make clear before Tuesday's election that Hayworth left Congress as one of its best champions against illegal immigration.

The reason questions have been raised is because Hayworth's "retired" Immigration-Reduction Report Card gives him only a C+ for his 12-year career in the U.S. House. That is better than John McCain's "D" grade but not very impressive.

The problem was that when Hayworth arrived in Congress from Arizona in 1995, he voted like his state's Sen. McCain on immigration. He was awful at first.

But when you open the scoresheet to view all of Hayworth's actions during the 12 years, you will see that virtually all of his bad votes and actions ended by 1996.

It took Hayworth a few years in Congress surrounded by different people, researchers, and advisors to understand the complexity of the issue. He made mistakes, became more knowledgeable on the subject, and redeemed himself as a better Congressman during the later terms.

The last few terms, Hayworth really was an A+ congressman who showed up at every event of Members of Congress pushing for more enforcement and fighting amnesties.

I was at many of those events and can attest that his participation was enthusiastic and showed leadership -- quite different from John McCain who interestingly is earning a "B" immigration-reduction grade in the current Congress now that he has been challenged so forcefully by Hayworth on immigration issues.

Now, that Hayworth has taken our NumbersUSA survey and pledged to support all 12 of our immigration priorities, I have no doubt based on his past record that he would be a great True Reformer if allowed to serve Arizona in the U.S. Senate.

As you know, NumbersUSA does not endorse candidates. We only tell you what we think you should know about their immigration positions and record. Again, because his Career grade on our Report Cards is so mediocre and has been used against him, I thought it only right to provide a clear view of what Hayworth's record really was while in Congress.


-- ROY

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