Europe is headed for destruction no sooner than we are ourselves. I would say that we are headed for the edge of the cliff at roughly the same speeds. That's why I really don't like condescending remarks about Europe's problems with immigration. Who the hell are we to lecture anybody? Shouldn't we be embracing, supporting, and uniting with the Western nations who are going through the same thing that we are??

Remember people, the European media is NOT the European people. No more than the American media is the American people....see what I mean? We face the same problems, for the same reasons, and will face the same consequences.

For some reason, Americans like to scoff at Europeans. Like they are all weak, and somehow deserve what is happening to them. As if the same thing isn't happening to ourselves. Did you know that nationalist parties opposing Muslim immigration have developed all across Europe?? We need to get past disrespecting Europe. We need to see them as allies in an international struggle against the NWO and to save Western Civilization.