America more and more resembles Rome, thousands of years ago. Obama, like Julius Caesar, thinks he can dictate the laws and bypass the constituted lawmaking bodies.

Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon entered Rome with his troops and made himself Dictator and began forcing his legal program on the Romans, he created a civil war which he eventually won - and finally the Romans had enough of him but before they rid themselves of him, he had killed the Republic,

While we have no physical Rubicon to cross, Obama's executive orders are crossing a virtual Rubicon and like Caesar he is destroying the Republic.

Obama is no less a dictator than Julius Caesar who forced through laws over the heads and the will of the publics. Like Rome we have legally constituted lawmaking bodies and just because a petty dictator cannot get his own way, does not give him the right to impose his will by executive fiat no matter how much the NY Times may applaud it.

I suggest that the editors need to look back over the centuries of history of not just this country but others and learn what happens when someone crowns himself head of state and rules by executive order -- events like this have caused civil war and revolution throughout history.

No matter how virtual it is Obama has crossed the Rubicon and is unfit to be president.