I think Hatch has a conscience then because his religion teaches him that he is to obey and honor the laws of the land. If he votes PRO Amnesty and rewards people for breaking the law, he will have to live with that the rest of his life. What's funny is that Reid's religion is the same as Hatch's.
I was hoping that Hatch would make the right decision and vote NO. I think deep down inside he knows that despite good intentions, charity and compassion towards illegal immigrants, illegal immigration is still wrong and should not be rewarded with amnesty, especially without any plans to close the borders and stop the flow of illegal immigrants. Millions of illegal immigrants being rewarded for breaking the law means millions more will want the same thing and it will start all over again, just like it did after 1986. Amnesty + Open Border = More illegals not less.
Good job Hatch! I bet you can sleep well at night knowing that you have not hurt the country by voting yes on something really stupid.