• Looming amnesty increases illegal immigration

    Illegal immigrants being processed
    Credits: US Border Patrol

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that his department arrested ten illegal aliens being smuggled into the United States. The ten aliens were in the back of a pickup. The driver and suspected smuggler of the group absconded and escaped arrest.

    The ten would-be immigrants were paying $4000 each to be smuggled into the United States.

    The apprehension of a pickup packed with illegal aliens is not newsworthy yet the documentation of the smuggling fees of $4000 per alien is.

    With the possibility of a blanket amnesty being seriously discussed by both political parties, the attraction to come to the United States will increase. The opportunity for a better quality of life combined with a realistic possibility of a blanket amnesty provides for an exponentially increasing desire to immigrate illegally into the U.S.

    November 29, 2012
    By: Bob Wilson

    Areas across the United States such as Eastern Washington and even the Spokane area with established illegal immigrant populations will see upswings in destination-based illegal immigration.

    Increased demand equates to increased cost

    The frantic need to get into the United States and take part in the expected amnesty program will lead to increased illegal immigration and a parallel increase in smuggling fees charged by the smugglers.

    For Mexican immigrants the rate to get smuggled into the United States is the least expensive but even these will pay thousands of dollars for the trip to Washington. ‘OTM’s’, which is the federal government term for ‘Other Than Mexico,” can pay tens of thousands for their trip to a U.S. destination.

    Considering that the vast majority of aliens coming into the United States are extremely poor, how can they afford to pay such exorbitant fees?

    Smuggled aliens are treated by the smugglers as a commodity and bought and sold along the way. A smuggler at the border may receive a few hundred dollars to cross the border with a group and successfully get them to a pickup point. The person who arranges for this groups pick-up will receive a substantially increased fee to transport this group to a destination further to the interior.

    A Spokane-bound group of smuggled aliens may shuffle between several hands along the way and not pay much out of their own pocket. But they still owe the fee!

    Either their relatives will pay the ultimate smuggler or they may be sold to a contractor that has openings for labor intensive jobs and this contractor will keep a portion of their wages until their debt is paid off. In this latter scenario, the smuggled alien becomes an indentured servant and cannot leave until they have paid their debt.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Looming amnesty increases illegal immigration started by Jean View original post