This is a long article but gives an interesting insight into Hispanic Voting ... _occur.htm

To Improve the Lot of the Undocumented in the USA, a Paradigm Shift Must Occur

PHOENIX (By Jon Garrido, Hispanic News) September 12, 2006 — To improve the lot of the undocumented in the USA, a paradigm shift must occur.

There are two groups of Hispanics in the United States — American Hispanics comprise 1st generation Hispanics who have acquired citizenship, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th generations Americans. The second group — the undocumented.

Each group serves the other from a symbiotic relationship of nurturing the other. The primary nurturer is the American Hispanic with the undocumented being the recipient.

Another way of looking at this is there is mutualism interaction between American Hispanics and the undocumented where both derive benefit. Short term and long term, American Hispanics are able to vote. Long term, the undocumented eventually become American Hispanics through the citizenship process and their children are able to vote when they come of age thus adding numbers which leads to influence in the United States.

Both groups need to come to understand that the synergy from combining two groups into one force is exponential. Each group needs the other. American Hispanics need the undocumented because the undocumented are similar to investing in futures in the stock market that upon maturity become American Hispanics. This is primarily important for political influence of American Hispanics is directly proportional to the number of American Hispanics.

The undocumented need American Hispanics because American Hispanics are visible and have the capacity to represent both groups by voting. It is only by American Hispanics voting that the undocumented will gain the ability to become American Hispanics.

To date, all efforts by organized Hispanics have focused on enabling the undocumented to remain in the United States to work and obtain citizenship. While this is the ultimate goal as part of our make up as American Hispanics who know all Hispanics have the same family root, assisting the undocumented has to be achieved indirectly.

Having all undocumented advocacy organizations market to the undocumented focuses on the wrong population — the undocumented. This is analogous to marketing air conditioners to those in the Arizona desert. Upon examination of the use of air conditioners in the Arizona desert, buyers discover there is no electricity available in the desert. Upon discovery of the lack of electricity, sales quickly dwindle to zero. To compound the problem, the undocumented do not have the means to obtain. (They can not vote.)

Simply put: Undocumented advocacy organizations are barking up the wrong tree — the undocumented. American Hispanics are the population that should be the focus of energizing for if they voted, all would win. The trickle down effect will eventually benefit the undocumented.

Presently all programs to register Hispanics to vote are not working and they have never worked in sizeable numbers. To continue the same strategy time after time on the same population is what Einstein called a significant miss calculation or rather just plain — foolish. It is the first thing taught in Marketing 101: Market an item that is desired to the market segment that has the means to obtain (to vote).

Marketing to a market segment that does not have the means to obtain is marketing that will never succeed. Witness the 1,000,000 marches and boycotts. They were impressive but did not result in sales. As soon as buyers discovered there is no electricity in the desert, buyers did not show up for sales promoted with extravagant fanfare, witness the immigration rally in Los Angeles this past week — no one showed up.

The undocumented are simply the wrong market segment and to compound the problem, they do not have the means to obtain — translation: they can not vote.

Thus, if issues were marketed to a market segment that has the means to obtain (vote), the marketing strategy would succeed.

The strategy of registering Hispanics to vote consists of marketing to advance the cause of the undocumented to the undocumented, all efforts should be re-directed to energize the American Hispanic community consisting of 1st generation Hispanics who have attained citizenship and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation American Hispanics born in the USA.

Even though we have the same family root, there are significant differences in American Hispanics and the undocumented. Both groups clearly are aware of the differences.

With all attention focused on enabling the undocumented to gain work visas and citizenship, programs and issues American Hispanics rank as priority are neglected.

Survey after survey after survey by credible organizations such as Pew, the New York Times and the Washington Post have American Hispanics ranking issues nearly the same as other Americans.

Immigration is always last on the list of priorities.

To make change in the United States requires a majority of voters supporting a candidate or issue.

Therefore marketing should be directed to the population that has the means to obtain (vote), who can make change. Marketing to the undocumented is directed to the wrong population. They do not have the means to obtain.

Therefore, the undocumented have no choice but to reply on American Hispanics who are able to vote. Unfortunately, American Hispanics vote at levels less than Anglo voters. Never the less, American Hispanics can vote. It is this voter base that has to be energized to register and vote.

This is the keystone to success for the undocumented. It is American Hispanics, not the undocumented, who hold the future for the undocumented in their hands.

Not the 1,000,000 marches nor boycotts nor the strategies nor movements of the advocacy organizations for the undocumented.

Some advocacy groups, particularly the California organizations, accuse American Hispanics for selling out, for becoming too mainstream, for being coconuts (brown on the outside and white on the inside), for not choosing to be identified as Latino or Chicano, for not carrying the Mexican flag, for not speaking Spanish. It is interesting to note nearly 100% of American Hispanics speak English as their primary language. Even though, American Hispanics will always get goose bumps on hearing mariachis play, American Hispanics have become Americans.

For example, there are some California groups that advocate Mexico regain the land lost to the United States. American Hispanics believe it is pure folly to even consider having Mexico re-acquire the American southwest lost by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican-American War (1846–184. The treaty provided for the Mexican Cession, in which Mexico ceded 525,000 square miles to the United States. The cession included parts of the modern-day U.S. states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming, as well as the whole of California, Nevada, and Utah. The remaining parts of what are today the states of Arizona and New Mexico were later ceded under the 1853 Gadsden Purchase.

Would I rather live in the USA or Mexico? This is a no brainer for I have lived in Mexico (I used to own a maquiladora in Cuidad Juárez, Chihuahua, México) and with Mexico's vast corruption that has undermined the use of Mexico's natural resources to invest in infrastructure that would create jobs, Mexico will always remain a 3rd rate country of poverty.

Even worse than the heinous Mexican corruption is Mexico has no rule of law. There is no habeas corpus. In Brown v. Vasquez, the United States Supreme Court has "recognized the fact that 'the writ of habeas corpus is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action.' In Harris v. Nelson, "The writ must be "administered with the initiative and flexibility essential to insure that miscarriages of justice within its reach are surfaced and corrected."

This is not Mexico. This is why Hispanics choose America not Mexico.

To energize the American Hispanic voter base is to not focus on immigration but to focus

on the other issues that have an impact on American Hispanics. These are one and the same as issues that impact middle America, not just American Hispanics. To participate as equal Americans, we, American Hispanics, must make them our issues to build bridges/alliances to other Americans to address and correct all injustices. Eventually, empowering a middle class that includes American Hispanics will pay dividends not only for American Hispanics but eventually achieve providing a new label for the undocumented: Americans.

These are issues American Hispanics rank in order of priority. Take note immigration is not on the list. It is these issues that American Hispanics view as important in their lives. The list is primarily from the Pew surveys of American Hispanics.

The list of issues is one and the same for Anglo Americans that comprise America's middle class:

End the war in Iraq now

The demise of the middle class

Public schools are failing high school students

Drop out rates are escalating

The high cost of college and university education (only 44% of Hispanic students use the internet)

Lack of health insurance for 47 million Americans which 33% are Hispanics

The high cost of medical insurance

The high cost of prescription drugs

The lack of affordable housing

Identity theft

Loss of privacy, every piece of personal information that Americans try to keep secret including bank account statements, e-mail messages and telephone records is semi-public and available for sale

The minimum wage is too low

Lack of summer jobs in urban and rural areas

The lack of business opportunities and capital

Jobs in rural America are diminishing

Manufacturing jobs are significantly decreasing in the USA

Decay of small towns primarily caused by lack of economic base brought about by loss of Jobs, population, transportation bypass, and natural disaster

Methamphetamine use in rural areas is rampant

Hidden banking fees with automatic interest rate increases

Bankruptcy now provides less consumer protection

Credit cards fiasco ever increasing credit card interest

Bankruptcy protection from creditors

Pension funds abandoned by businesses after employer base growth

Gas increases without justification

Global warming

To transform the United States to provide for the undocumented and equal access for American Hispanics, the United States must be therefore transformed indirectly.

The best scenario is to energize American Hispanic voters to vote for Democrats with the issue being security not immigration. Security will even be moreso in 2008. Cutting a deal with the Democrats is cutting a deal for America's future. American Hispanics must align ourselves with America's middle class and in doing so a quid pro quo must be established and adhered to.

This is why Hispanic News established the Hispanic News Political Action Committee to replace 15 House Republicans with 15 House Democrats. This will change the House leadership and the quid pro quo from Hispanic News is if we were instrumental in changing the House leadership, the return on investment is comprehensive immigration reform approved and not the one approved as Senate Bill 2611 where senators Kyl, Coryn, and Sessions changed the original Kennedy Bill to include new language to dilute the number of immigrants who can remain in the USA to work and gain citizenship.

The quid pro quo Hispanic News Political Action Committee requests is input in the language of a new bill to come from the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Representative John Conyers replacing you know who: James Sensenbrenner, the villain owner of Kimberly Clark who wanted to have all undocumented and those that provide assistance named felons.

The trickle down benefit will translate into favorable immigration reform and the undocumented will lose their label of "undocumented" and gain a new label: Americans.

There is also a second paradigm shift: Hispanic News has moved too far to the immigration focus away from the issues American Hispanic believe are priorities.

It is not acceptable to have only 44% of American Hispanics students use the Internet. This number is much smaller for adult Hispanics. Even smaller for the undocumented.

Hispanic News has deviated from its original business plan and began covering immigration as the number one Hispanic issue. Hispanic News is going back to its original business plan. Hispanic News will again provide 90% of content toward American Hispanics rather than the 80% of content now provided about immigration.