It seems to me I'm looking into our future...
Watch the video......It was received by email...

Date: 2007/02/18 Sun PM 10:58:48 EST
Subject: The Real Face of the European Union

A vision of our future?

I was lucky to escape the European scene during the WWII war and landed in South America.
I lived in Venezuela ... a country under a DICTATORSHIP ... I left it to find a better place where I can speak and live freely ... the USA. Well, I guess it is time for me to find another country ... for the people of this country have been so dummed by HOLLYWOOD and lied by our politicinas that they are not aware (or do not care) what is coming at them. Well, they are going to find out what it means to live under a DICTATORSHIP very soon.
Very soon, the MEXICAN type system of government will be here to teach another history lesson. Well ... that is ... if the Islamic Hijadists don't get us first.

Please watch this chilling video.

The Real Face of the European Union ... 0274168460

Distribute this historic lesson to all your friends.