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  1. #1
    Senior Member Scott-in-FL's Avatar
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    150 Boston-Area Students Left Without Bus Rides to School, While Illegal Immigrant Ki

    150 Boston-Area Students Left Without Bus Rides to School, While Illegal Immigrant Kids Get Free Rides

    By Ward Clark | 4:16 PM on August 24, 2024

    AP Photo/Gregory Bull

    Another day, and another example of taxpayers getting hosed while illegal immigrants get free handouts. This time, it's the Boston-area suburb of Stoughton, Massachusetts, where parents of 150 schoolchildren have been informed at the last moment that their kids won't be able to ride the bus to school. The school district has cited "a lack of funding and a shortage of buses." But is that really it?

    The 150 students at Stoughton Public Schools will have to find a new way to get to school ahead of the academic year's September 4 start date, the Boston Herald first reported. The news comes at the same time that the state has started paying for buses for the migrant students of the more than 200 migrant families that recently moved into their community.

    "Unfortunately, for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, 150 secondary students who signed up to ride a bus were not able to be placed on a bus," a letter sent to parents from Superintendent of Schools Joseph Baeta read. "Those families not receiving bus transportation were notified this week. Those receiving bus transportation will receive their bus postcards the week of August 19."

    The school district claims that the arrival of illegal immigrants, who, as we should all remember, have no business being in the country at all, isn't the reason for the shortage. Color me skeptical. Funding is fungible, after all, and school district money spent in one place can be spent in another. It's all a matter of priorities.

    And clearly, we can see where the priorities of the state of Massachusetts are.

    There is no requirement in the state of Massachusetts to provide transportation for students in grades 7-12, but the district is required to provide busing to students living in hotels and shelters, the letter said. However, according to the superintendent, the arrival of migrant families in Stoughton is not the reason for the shortage of buses.

    "We are utilizing funding the state provides to the district to bus the students living in hotels/shelters," the letter said. "The funding for these two buses does not come from our operational budget. It is inaccurate to suggest that these children receiving busing is the reason yours did not. If we were not receiving the funding from the state for the students living in hotels/shelters, we would not be able to have these two additional buses."

    Here's the onion:

    "The district is seeing an increase in PreK-12 enrollment, including in our migrant student population, and unprecedented pressures in special education, transportation, and services for English Learners," he wrote. "Our main priorities have been retaining teaching staff and supporting the large influx of students we received this year, including providing the English Learner services they require."

    "In order to accommodate this increase in our student population, we have had to make adjustments throughout the budget," he added. "The situation remains fluid as we get more information and advocate for additional funding from the state."

    The first layer of this stinker is the fact that the "migrant student population," otherwise known as illegal aliens, are here at all, much less causing these unprecedented pressures in things including transportation. That would include school buses, yes?

    The second layer of stink to peel away is that they are bugging the state to pick up the tab. So it's not bad enough that the parents and property owners of Stoughton pick up the tab, but all of the taxpaying citizens of Massachusetts as well?

    The third smelly, tear-inducing layer is the number of people who now have no way to get their kids to school.

    "So how are 150 Stoughton students supposed to get to school now? Just got the word YESTERDAY that our son, along with 149 other students, lost their seat on the bus.... talk about Stoughton Pride," one parent said. "They didn't even offer an alternative option like maybe paying for a ride which we would do because otherwise we have ZERO way of getting our son to school. This town is disgusting me. So my kid is supposed to walk 3 miles to and from school straight up route 138!?! We live basically in North Easton. What are all these families supposed to do!? Unbelievable."

    Like a real onion, the farther you go into it, the worse it smells. That's the whole immigration crisis in a nutshell; it stinks, it's a burden on the taxpayers, and that's not even taking into account the crime issue.

    This, folks, is why we have school board elections - and elections in general. The Biden/Harris administration hasn't just been bad on this issue of illegal immigration, they haven't shown up at all. Their policy has been a non-policy, except when it comes to processing illegal aliens into the country even faster.

    As for the taxpayers in Stoughton, Massachusetts, there is an old military acronym that applies: BOHICA.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    Apr 2016
    The parents in that state voted for Democrats and sanctuary cities allowing thousands of illegals into their state taking over their schools, hospitals, doctor's offices, ERs, housing, hotels, shelters, and the taxpayers are bearing the financial burden of this.

    The parents literally threw their OWN kids under the bus to pay for and take care of illegal aliens who do not belong here.

    They need to be deported with their illegal parents... period.

    Not rewarded with free school, free bus rides, free hotels, free food, free cash cards, and free healthcare. Many are full of infectious diseases.

    They do not read, write, or speak English.

    Those children, who are legal US citizens, are doomed and will not learn a damn thing.



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