Mexican architecture studio designs wall for Donald Trump

November 14, 2016

A studio in Guadalajara has designed an elegant pink wall that would stretch from the Pacific to the
Gulf of Mexico. EFE

Mexico City – One of the main planks of the electoral platform of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was to build a wall separating Mexico from the United States, an architectural project that the 3.14 Studio in the Mexican city of Guadalajara has already designed for the Republican.

The professor of French Language Studies and French Literature at the University of Connecticut, Hassanaly Ladha, a Muslim worried about Trump's victory, proposed to Leonardo Diaz Borioli, creative director of the 3.14 Studio, that he design a wall that would also be a prison.

"Since the beginning of mankind, architecture has been at the service of power, and in Trump's case, the wall symbolizes the vision of a tyrant," Diaz Borioli, who is also a doctor of History and the Critical Theory of Architecture, Art and Urban Planning at Princeton University, told EFE in an interview.

Every "tyrant," he said, had an architect to carry out his grand ideas, as did Hitler with Albert Speer, who helped him carry out the Germania project aimed at remodeling Berlin around a central boulevard 3 miles long to make the German capital the equal of the great cities of Europe.

Borioli took Professor Ladha's idea and made up a team of six scholarship students from three universities that included architects, urban planners and interior designers, who together created the design for the great wall of Trump, Mexican style.

"Trump never asked that the wall have a prison, but we decided to caricature two different public policies in one: the wall and the expulsion of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.," Borioli said.

The great pink wall has an extension of 1,954 miles and is 330 feet thick and four stories high.

It would cross Mexico from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, passing through Tijuana and following the Rio Grande, which separates the U.S. from Mexico.

"The prison wall would continue into the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico: the model itself tells you it is impossible and that it's beyond reality," the architect said, adding that the wall was inspired by the art of surrealist Luis Barragan and by the 1960s Continuous Monument by the Superstudio group of Italian architects.

For Diaz Borioli, the Trump wall would be "the most depraved object ever built," because, unlike concentration camps, it was publicly announced before an election of a democratic society, and yet people voted for it.

The architect said that the "prison wall" would hold a total of 17 million people — the 11 million undocumented in the United States plus 6 million personnel.