Local lawmen already working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement office

Chris Casey

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Greeley is up and running — although it's only common knowledge within the law enforcement community.

The Greeley facility recently opened in an 11,000-square-foot office at 4645 18th St. It occupies a former business office which was remodeled to house a staff of roughly six to 10 federal employees. ICE does not disclose its exact numbers of agents.

A holding room for questioning suspects is inside the office, but no overnight holding cells are part of the complex.

In Greeley's case, the agency hasn't officially announced the opening. ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok told The Tribune last week that the office was ramping up and that an announcement would be made when it was fully operational.

However, local law enforcement officials say the facility is operating as planned.

“I think they've done a great job so far in helping us place ICE holds on the illegal immigrants in our county jail,â€