By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.
May 5, 2010

For generations, the federal government has pissed on the integrity of the union, supposedly formed by the bonds of choice, reflection, friendship and likeness.[1] ... .htm#_ftn1 It has treated the people of the States as scoopers in the valley of the crap they roll down hill, of which they claim to be king. The society of each state serves as nothing more than just another creditor to their addictive gambling game of power, corruption and debauchery.

Anymore, one cannot even possess an accurate knowledge of just how much degradation permeates the entire system of the federal government and its chain-gang of states. Amazingly, some still believe that freedom can be restored through the political gamesmanship in Washington D.C. For this reason, some of the States have finally awakened to this reality and are beginning to act appropriately and accordingly.

Another blaring contemporary illustration highlights just how true this is.

As many now know, Arizona passed an illegal immigration law which is designed to secure the borders of its State from those who are in that State illegally. The response from the federal government was predictable and typical: “Arizona can’t do that; it is our sole prerogative to ‘secure’ the border. Arizona’s action is unconstitutional. Blah, blah, blah.â€