Aiding illegal immigrants is a crime
2 commentsAug. 20, 2008 12:00 AM


Regarding Eddie Basha's My Turn column, "Aiding illegal students" (Opinions, Saturday):

Why does a supposed pillar of the community support crime? Being in this country illegally is a crime! Condoning and supporting them makes him an accomplice.

Basha says he cares about the future of the state, but his actions don't show that. He should become more involved with getting these undocumented (illegal) persons out of here instead of trying to let their crimes flourish.

He also states these "undocumented" (criminal) youth aren't going anywhere. I understand that it is against the law to hire illegal persons in this state. Where are they going to go to work if even Eddie Basha can't legally hire them?

Even though the money for the American Dream Fund is from private citizens and businesses, it is still being used to condone crime. Even ASU is part of the crime.

I think a better use of this money would be to help legal youth of this state pursue their education. Charity begins at home!
- Gary Kolek,Phoenix