ALIPAC Calls Out Amnesty Supporters

Posted Tuesday, September 8th 2015 @ 5am by iHeartMedia's Nik Rajkovi

Anti-amnesty activists are calling out Republicans they say are working against voters' wishes.
William Gheen at the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has released what he calls the "Eric Cantor" list of sitting politicians who support amnesty for illegal aliens.

“It contains right around 100 Republican incumbents in the U.S. House and Senate that we have documented supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants which is opposed by over 80 percent of Republican voters,” says Gheen.

Gheen also believes Republicans secretly tried to use a "crowded field tactic" to get Jeb Bush elected.

“They're trying to play a terrible lie and trick on the American public to break up the opposition vote to clear the way for Jeb Bush,” he says. “That plan was working and Jeb Bush was in first place until Donald Trump jumped in.”

“It seems to be part of the Bush family, Karl Rove, Koch brothers, Fox News cabal,” says Gheen. “They're all working together.”

ALIPAC is recruiting candidates nationwide ahead of next year's elections.

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