Patriots Heart Network
Posted by Ann L. Duval on October 10, 2013 at 7:30am

Homeland Security: It’s Cheaper to Round Up & Deport Illegals Than to Allow Them to Stay

This week we were told that veterans could not enter open air memorials that have already been bought and paid for by the American taxpayer during a government shutdown. At the same time, illegal aliens and supporters of amnesty were allowed to gather on the same National Mall to demand amnesty for those whose first step into this country was a violation of the law. This comes as a result of the supposed push for “immigration reform” (loosely translated, amnesty for illegals).

We have been told that we cannot afford deporting illegals and that our economy is dependent upon them, even though we have massive unemployment. I want to remind you about the Department of Homeland Security’s claim back in 2010, that for a little over $100 billion Immigration and Customs Enforcement could apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.

From a 2010 report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), they address the first thing government is concerned about and that is tax collections.

We have been told that we cannot afford deporting illegals and that our economy is dependent upon them, even though we have massive unemployment. I want to remind you about the Department of Homeland Security’s claim back in 2010, that for a little over $100 billion Immigration and Customs Enforcement could apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.

From a 2010 report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), they address the first thing government is concerned about and that is tax collections.

“When the estimated tax collections from illegal aliens in the state are subtracted from the estimated expenditures, the result is the net fiscal burden. Compared to the federal net fiscal burden of about $19.3 billion, the collective net burden at the state and local level is about 4 times larger at about $80 billion.

It bears repeating that the estimated tax collections from illegal alien workers would not disappear if the illegal alien population were to markedly decrease as a result of restriction on access to jobs and more effective interior enforcement. Experience with immigration enforcement at job sites with many illegal aliens on the payroll has shown that those employers do not go out of business; they find other workers. That means that the tax collections continue after the deportation of the illegal alien family. Experience also shows that when illegal workers are replaced with legal ones, wages, and consequently tax collections, tend to increase. Additionally, social assistance outlays presumably decrease as newly legally hired replacement workers become self-sufficient.”

That’s a pretty significant claim, don’t you think? Consider that many Americans who want to work and are unemployment could have jobs which have been taken by illegal immigrants. Additionally, we know that our government hands out food stamps and other welfare goodies, courtesy of the American taxpayer to illegals. Additionally, corporations are profiting from the welfare state. The federal government has even been giving back hundreds of thousands of dollars to illegals in income tax returns.