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Thread: Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Up To Eight Refundable Tax Credits

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  1. #1
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Up To Eight Refundable Tax Credits

    Expert: Tax credits for those here illegally amount to more than $10 billion a year

    BY: Ali Meyer
    December 7, 2015 2:15 pm

    Illegal immigrants are eligible to claim up to eight refundable tax credits under federal law, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service.

    One of the tax credits available to illegal immigrants under the Internal Revenue Code is the additional child tax credit, which allows families with children to reduce their tax liability by $1,000 per child. If the value exceeds the tax liability they owe, the family receives a refund for the difference.

    “The Tax Inspector General of Treasury says that the extra child tax credit, in a single year, doles out $4.2 billion a year to illegals,” said David North, a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies. “Based on that number I would assume that other tax credits for illegals amounts to more than ten billion a year.”

    In addition, illegal immigrants are eligible for the earned income tax credit, which allows low-income families to receive a refundable tax credit even if they do not owe any taxes.

    They are also eligible for the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which is a tax credit for tuition, and the Health Coverage Tax Credit, which is a tax credit for insurance costs. Undocumented immigrants can also receive a tax credit for tax withheld on wages, for fuel excise taxes, any overpayment of taxes, and tax withheld at source for nonresident aliens and foreign corporations.

    Refundable credits can be larger than an individual’s tax liability, which means that illegal immigrants may receive the difference as a cash payment from the IRS. Nothing in the Internal Revenue Code prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving these tax credits.

    “Speaking generally, the Treasury Department is as casual about the negative impacts of illegal aliens as are other parts of the Obama administration, but with a twist,” says North. “Only the Treasury pays illegal aliens to stay largely through the various refundable tax credits.”

    “If the IRS were not grinding out billions in refunds to the illegals, some would—without any other pressure—decide to go home,” North said. “And the end to these payments would also meet another goal—more money to pay off the national debt.”

    “Congress could do something about this,” said North. “Treasury could do something, but neither have.”
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Upon acquiring a new job, the mandatory forms are right there with W4, I-9 - a list of questions to see if you qualify; e.g., food stamps, children with welfare etc - gov't is making sure you get that credit. They know who is rec'g this credit and want to ensure they receive it. FOREIGNERS!
    Last edited by artist; 12-07-2015 at 07:08 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ReformUSA2012's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    The sick thing is while illegal aliens can do this I went asking a couple tax guys when I was living in Las Vegas about 2 years ago on if I could file that same as. I'm a 100% disabled vet receiving compensation with at the time 1 kid but now 2. Each one said I couldn't because *I didn't actually pay any taxes*. I couldn't figure out how to do it with getting a refund (heck I haven't filed in years since I'm not required to). Kinda felt racist to me that a middle ages white guy is told nope. Times are hard and after all I did far more for my country then most.

    Ohh and thanks Obama for killing any COLA for me. My costs continually increase yet he makes sure I move closer to the gutter as a disabled veteran!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Well guys and gals, if we had the FairTax, none of these problems would exist. There would be no tax credits because there would be no income tax to begin with. There would be a Rebate for US citizens and legal residents that for a family of 4 would amount to around $7,000 a year paid 1/12 per month and increases with cost of living (COLA). Illegal aliens are not eligible for the Rebate which puts them at a huge economic disadvantage compared to American workers who would receive the Rebate. There would be no tax returns to file, no IRS nonsense because this agency is abolished by the FairTax statute. Social Security and Medicare are robustly funded by the FairTax and when needed the statute compels Congress to increase that portion of the rate to ensure ample funding for COLA's or new entrants or whatever the case may be to protect Social Security and Medicare. It also protects our businesses and brings our industries back home because all new products and services are taxed the same, no free trade benefits under the FairTax, if you sell it here whether you made it here or in China, you collect the FairTax on the sale. Used goods are exempt.

    FairTax Act of 2015: HR 25 in the US House of Representatives and S 155 in the US Senate. Make it happen.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

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