McCaughey: Immigration reform, Obamacare use ‘political dirty trick’ to build ‘one-party government’

Grae Stafford

Former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey decried what she describes as the Obama administration’s use of Obamacare to strengthen Democratic political groups.
And McCaughey says that the Senate immigration reform does much the same thing, by empowering pro-immigration activist groups.
“No matter where you stand on health reform or immigration reform, the exploitation of these two issues, to build a party, to build a one-party government, it’s shocking and revolting to me,” McCaughey said in the final part of her interview with The Daily Caller. “I love the Constitution. I was a Democrat at one point in my life. I can’t stand to see this kind of political dirty trick, and I’m very disturbed to see members of Congress, McCain, Rubio, Lindsey Graham, these people involved, haven’t they read these sections?”

The other parts of McCaughey’s interview are here:

Betsy McCaughey on how she took apart the ‘Gang of 8′ immigration bill
Six big problems with the immigration bill from someone who has actually read it

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