Just the facts about illegal immigration

From Steve Hampton:

There are many issues related to "Illegal" Immigration and why it hurts the United States. As a matter of fact, other Countries around the globe have been complaining about "Illegal" immigration and the problems it causes in their own Countries.

Lets start off with the numbers. The sheer numbers are massive. Pro-Illegal and Amnesty groups know the numbers, but they hope you wont know till its simply too late. Lets start off with the estimated current numbers of Illegal Immigrants seeking "Amnesty" in the USA. 15-20 million "Illegal" immigrants ( with another million entering illegally and another 300,000 "Anchor Babies" per year ) . Well, as bad as that is, its nothing compared to the numbers of "family members" that have their bags packed and waiting for the green light ( "Amnesty" ) to pour over the border. Imagine for a moment, how many relatives do you have. Lets say your mother, your father, your brothers, your sisters, your brothers family, your sisters family ( Children etc... All their children ). What about grand parents, aunts, uncles, adopted children, children not really theirs but lied about. What about other so called "relatives" since their documents are often almost none. Forged documents ?

OK, lets say for a LOW number, lets say one of these Illegal immigrants gets "Amnesty" and under the "Democrat" rules has to pay some ridiculously cheap fee. Now here we go. The family simply pools the money, so the fine is nothing but an "early entry fee" to jump in front of the immigration line. Now that's out of the way. Next, each of the 15-20 Million illegal immigrants could easily have 4 - 5 - 6 or more relatives. And that's extremely conservative. How many relatives do you have. "Hispanic" family's are generally much larger then the average "American" family. That's a simple fact. Lets take 5 relatives on average for each of the "Illegal " immigrants wanting their "Amnesty" reward for breaking our immigration laws. That's 15 million x 5 relatives for an extremely conservative total of 75+ MILLION people pouring into the USA over a very short period of time. Take 20 million x 5 and we have 100 million. Now, this does NOT count the additional Million who enter legally and another 1.3 million that will keep entering illegally for their next Amnesty ( 1 million illegally entering plus the 300,000 that come as "Anchor Babies" ). Now, lets look at another number. The United States only has about 300 million people. Adding over a few years 75 - 100 million ( mainly Mexican Nationals with some other Central and South American extra ) more would be an additional 25+ %. That additional 25+ % of poor, mainly Spanish speaking, uneducated, often diseases, millions of elderly and or unable to work, untrained, unable and un-willing ( in most cases ) to speak English, unwilling to assimilate as "Americans" ( like all of the other immigrants have through out our history ) will include millions of criminals all attached to ALL our Social Services, Housing, Feeding, Medical Care, Infrastructure needs, open lands turned into housing, parking lots and prisons. Many will attempt to enter the political system to open the the border wide open with their new found numbers.

Remember, the requirement to speak English at a kindergarden level is ONLY for the Illegal Immigrant who already illegally entered the United States. Five to ten times as many family member are under NO obligation to speak English and probably wont learn in most cases ( As history over the past several decades have proven ). You have probably already noticed that only ONE group of Illegal Immigrants ( or Legal ) are wanting to force US Citizen to learn THEIR Foreign language, whereas ALL other groups of immigrants have assimilated as Americans speaking English. Which is a sign of wanting to be an American Citizen and not wanting to simply "use" America for what they can get. If the tidal wave of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not haulted, America will become a English-Spanish speaking nation from coast to coast and their numbers will rise to unimagined numbers after that. Our tax base will be so strained that the USA will be the next thirld World Nation. America' culture, language, holidays will be forever changed ( and lost ) and it will be because America simply didnt care about their Country as other Nations are proud of their Countries. Being a Patriot and standing up for America is not always easy. Our fore fathers fought and died at locations like the Alamo. It is now our turn, not to die, but to fight and protect our culture, our language and our Country.

Massive "Illegal" immigration never solves the problems of the host Country or the Country for which they are leaving. At best, it only prolongs the problem of the Country they are leaving while increasing the social and economic problems of the Country they are illegally entering. Most Democrats and a few Republican Politicians see them as a "voting tool" regardless of the harm to the over all Citizen population. Business see's them as a cheap labor pool and someone to sell their products to. What neither of them care about is the American Citizen that is squeezed on both sides from higher costs, less Social services, higher crimes, disease, and Americans that are wounded, victims of crimes and killed every day by Illegal immigrants. Our culture and language lost by wave after wave of "Illegal Immigrants" that dont come to be "Americans". They come to "take, take take" and often send their money back to their host Country as do most of the Mexican Illegal Immigrants. As a matter of fact, UNTAXED US dollars obtained by Mexican Nationals and sent to Mexico is Mexicos second largest national income. This is secondary only to oil income.

Case in point. Lets say, just to make an example. Mexico, probably one of the most wealthiest of the Central American Countries. They have land, countless natural resources, coastal water view that ONLY Mexican nationals are permitted to own, resort mecca, huge oil reserves that the country controls an more. They are very aggressive to illegal immigrants in their own country because they understand the harm of massive illegal immigration. They even make laws that prevent any rights concerning illegal immigrants and even to protest these laws. It is illegal even to get involved in any type of political affairs unless you are a Mexican National. OK, its their Country, that's fine.

The United States who has the largest LEGAL immigration in the entire World. Its estimated that the USA permits more immigrants then all other Countries combined. Not only does it have the largest legal immigration system in the WORLD, they also permit a very loose and poor interpretation of the 14th Amendment. A law which was specifically designed for slaves that were forced to come to the America's during the early years of our history. It was never EVER designed as a loop hole for those who would illegally ( Criminal ) enter the USA with the known intent to deliver their foreign baby on American soil so that they would get paid US tax dollars and benefits as a reward for illegally entering the USA. Its also a loop hole that once they finish collecting 18 years of YOUR tax money, the child is used to once again circumvent immigration laws by bringing their entire family into the USA through the use of the child who was delivered from foreign parents. Those family member would then bring in their family members. These terms are called "Chain Immigration" and come from "Anchor Babies". Its estimated in addition to the million or so ILLEGAL Immigrants that enter, another 300,000 Anchor Babies will be given these rewards because of the illegal actions of their parents, again, usually from Mexico.

So, when you hear from the many sources that its only 15-20 MILLION seeking Amnesty. Understand that this is the very tip of the iceberg and the pro-illegal and Amnesty groups are hoping enough Americans are not properly educated about the sheer numbers. Soon, America will be as over populated as Mexico, India, China and suffer the same problems, simply because mainly Democrats and a few Republicans simply only care about getting a job through what ever vote they can get. Legal or not legal.

Its time to rise up and say. We are not going to sit back for this any more. They have broken our laws and they should not receive ANY rewards or advantages. They should be barred from citizenship and this alone would make ANY illegal immigrant think twice about making a joke of our laws. You were PROMISED in 1986 "No More Amnesties" Those of you who are old enough remember this. Make the Politicians hold their word for once in their life ! We will NOT be lied to again.

God bless ALL Patriots past and present. You represent the cream of of the crop. Many people working to defend their Country as good Citizens. You ALL can do something. If you want to now what else you can do, email me personally at Admin@protectourborder.net and I will teach you how easy it is to stand up and fight for your safety, your language, your culture and your Country. Its a fact, Amnesty for this amount of criminals only leads to more law breaking. Crimes like tax evasion, ID theft, murder, drunk driving, document fraud, Social services fraud, assault, theft, tresspassing, drunkeness, street gang, numbers and over population are just the tip of what awaits us, if we dont stop Illegal Immigration NOW, without ANY rewards or Amnesty. Ilegal Immigration has also been reported to cost more ( in total dollars related to everything involved in Illegal immigration ) then the IRAQ war and more innocent Americans are killed in the USA by Illegal Immigrants then the numbers of Americans killed in IRAQ ( google it to see ). We have all seen the problems in the paper, CNN, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC and a dozen other main stream agencies and talk radio reporting countless crimes to Americans because these Politicians simply dont care. They have lost touch that its an honor to serve and not a game that hurts us all.
http://righttruth.typepad.com:80/right_ ... ation.html