This nation doesn't possess the financial and natural resources or infrastructure to sustain its own citizens while absorbing all the less fortunate and threatened people who want to come here.

California is increasing taxes on its citizens $500 to $2,000 a year to help cover the state's expenses, such as educating, medicating and incarcerating its large population of illegal aliens. But not one program for illegal aliens was cut. Citizens who want to leave the state to escape Gov. Arnold Swartzenegger's policies cannot because they can't sell their homes. They have become captive taxpayers.

Some illegal aliens are caught and deported because they have violated laws that protect us from overpopulation, crowded schools, crowded emergency rooms, crowded prisons to the degree that hardened criminals are released into our streets, shortages of jobs, water and power. Money is exchanged as Mexico lobbies our Congressmen daily to preserve the status quo. They need the dollars their people send into their economy. There has to be a better way.

We are undergoing a dearth of jobs; yet greedy businesses successfully lobby Congress for increases in the number of unvetted immigrants brought here legally from developing nations, selected by lotteries. More than a million are brought here annually by default. Some receive permanent status immediately; others are required to fulfill certain requirements to become legal. Once citizens, they import their extended families and each extended family member in turn imports theirs; each adding link after link to the chain in perpetuity with little government oversight. President Obama and Congress want to solve our illegal alien problem by legalizing millions of people without closing our southern border; an open invitation for more to come.

Congressional Democrats recently created a stimulus bill. In spite of intense public lobbying to keep E-Verify in the bill, an amendment requiring all employers check the legal status of their employees, they stripped this provision from the stimulus -- Sen. Sherrod Brown included among them.

Corporate interests have seized control of our government. Democracy is weakened if not dead. More informed citizens are needed to help lobby our government.

Jacqueline I. Ruhl

Fredericktown ... /904060301