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aneen G. Peterson


False Accusations ... Wrapped in 'Hate Speech'
By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
Mar 14, 2006

Ana Maria Patino, a lawyer, wrote an article in the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot titled: Minutemen ignore the Constitution on March 3, 2006, where she opined: "The Minuteman Project is a vigilante organization that practices racial profiling, interferes with people's right to travel and right to be free of illegal seizure guaranteed to everyone by our United States Constitution [under the Fourth Amendment] and [CA] State Constitution [Section 19]. . . The right of the people to be secure in their persons ... against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated."(1)

Since Ms. Patino speaks of the Minutemen, one can assume that the 'people' she is referring to are illegal aliens who defied our immigration laws to enter, live, and work in our country, since that is the known mission and focus of the Minutemen organization.

In her zealous pursuit of promoting and defending illegal aliens she has apparently slithered 'beyond the pale.' Ms. Patino's statements about the Minutemen are unproven, unsubstantiated, libelously pronounced, and consequently become a false premise to her claims of Constitutional violations. She is a lawyer, an 'officer of the court,' and yet she has prevaricated with abandon. She does not and can not offer any proof supporting her egregious charges of 'profiling' since the only 'profiling' that has ever been done is to witness and report to the Border Patrol those who have crossed over our sovereign border and illegally entered America. Nor can she cite a single case where the Minutemen have illegally stopped or detained anyone . . . NOT ONE, NOT ANYWHERE, NOT ANYPLACE . . . NOT EVER!

If the Minutemen were committing such alleged crimes why haven't they been arrested, charged, and jailed? Perhaps the police have been providing 'sanctuary' for the Minutemen like they do for illegal aliens? Could that be the reason? Her charges of Constitutional illegality are based upon accusations that are unsubstantiated, unfounded, and unproven. Therefore, the citing of state and U.S. Constitutional laws is IRRELEVANT!

Shamelessly, Ms. Patino has made false allegations and libelous charges against the Minutemen by creating them out of 'whole cloth' and spinning them out of 'thin air.' She then brazenly embellishes her false charges with 'hate speech' by saying: "The Minutemen is [sic] a vigilante organization that practices racial profiling since they target Latinos and anyone with dark skin. They are racist and camouflage themselves in the American flag in the same manner Hitler promoted German nationalism as he killed six million Jews to cleanse the "fatherland" of the dark-skinned foreigners and Jews."(1)

First she wrongfully accuses the Minutemen of something they haven't done, then she compares them to Nazis. By doing so SHE has committed a chargeable offense called 'hate speech!' Equally guilty is the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot which provided her a forum to spew forth her 'hate speech.'

If the Minutemen were operating outside the law, why haven't they been arrested? Why are they not in court? Why are they not in jail? She has defamed the Minutemen and should be sued. Any good lawyers out there? One that believes in law and order and is offended by her support for illegal aliens, and promoting their anarchy by impugning the integrity of the Minutemen? Where are those honest, decent, law-abiding, outraged American lawyers? Why don't you step forward and defend the Minutemen against such vile 'hate speech!'

By libelously using the word 'vigilante' to attack the Minutemen as persons who, according to Webster's, "ACTS OUTSIDE OF LEGAL AUTHORITY, often violently, to punish or avenge a crime, right a perceived wrong, etc.," she has insulted and defamed the Minutemen without one scintilla of justification.

Ask yourself . . . are the Minutemen acting outside the law? Of course they're not! How could they, with the focused attention of the media and political scrutiny from around the world? Sadly she has inanely parroted the false charges of vigilantism disgustingly made by our own president and delightfully seconded by Mexico's president.

Ms. Patino goes on to say: "Jim Gilchrist, the Minuteman Project founder, is a man with political aspirations who did not get the message when he lost in his recent bid for Congress . . . because he represents everything they oppose. He is hardly a patriot since his vision of America is exclusive as opposed to inclusive."(1)

Does Ms. Patino believe that it is wrong to 'exclude' illegal aliens from our country who break our laws to enter our country; break our laws to stay in our country; break our laws to work in our country; and, break our laws to drive in our country. Apparently Ana Maria believes that it is wrong for the Minutemen to demand our government enforce our laws to 'exclude' those illegal alien lawbreakers?

Conversely she condemns Jim Gilchrist and the Minutemen, who have broken no laws, by claiming their quest is to 'exclude' those 'dark skinned' illegal aliens. Does Ms. Patino want them to have a free pass? Apparently she does. How many laws do 'We the People" get to violate and stay out of jail? Extending her anti-exclusionary hypothesis, why don't we just let all the criminals out of prison and 'include' them in our communities. Wouldn't that would be just the same as the illegal alien 'inclusiveness' Ms. Patino desires?

Next she equates LEGAL immigrants with ILLEGAL immigrants and then disgustingly wraps herself in the American flag by saying: "Our forefathers and foremothers [pc] were immigrants who came, as so many came after them, to establish a new nation where they could live in peace and work toward prosperity. Today, America stands for these same principles our forefathers fought and died for to save this great nation."(1)

Here again she twists and perverts. We are a nation of laws. Well, at least we used to be. Our patriots did not die for illegal alien criminal lawbreakers and their coterie of treasonous facilitators who willfully defy our sovereignty and laws. They died to keep us free from invasion by a foreign country like Mexico who has sent a 'migrant army' of tens of millions of its citizens to illegally invade America. It is a de facto war that was declared, very Osama like, in a 1982 'Mexican Manifesto' published in a prominent Mexico newspaper.(2)

Outrageously Ms. Patino spews forth still more 'hate speech' by saying that "Gilchrist and the Minutemen would like to take us back to the pogroms of Europe that were used to find people and get rid of those people he considers undesirable."(1) She apparently knows no bounds to her 'hate speech' and for that she should be prosecuted.

Ms. Patino then goes on to say that "[i]n that same vein [of taking us back to the pogroms of Europe (i.e., ethnic cleansing)] Superior Court Judge Michael Brenner ruled our Patriots Day Parade Assn. had the right to exclude Gilchrist and his Minutemen from our parade because the message of the Minutemen and their political agenda seeks to divide our community rather than unite it."(1)

The initial smear and blatant lie calling the Minutemen 'political' by the weasels on the parade committee was sickening. Does their 'political' pronouncement apply to every other organization in the United States if ONE of their members runs for public office. If not, why not? Besides that . . . being 'political' is NOT a dirty word.

Disgracefully, the REAL reason the town of Laguna insulted "We The People" by excluding the Minutemen is because they were afraid the open-borders crowd would riot in their streets. The entire town is guilty of shameless cowardice. Many will remember that Laguna Beach was the town that folded in terror before the anarchy of illegal aliens.

Isn't it odd that Ms. Patino can falsely accuse the Minuteman, and freely spout her 'hate speech,' yet SHE is not arrested? What's wrong with this picture? Americans stand up! People like her are twisting and perverting the truth about the rule of law. Her only purpose is to marginalize and defame the only Citizen Patriots you may ever know in your lifetime. Rise up and defend the Minutemen you cowards in Laguna Beach! Her true agenda is to protect illegal aliens and she cares not one whit about the Constitution. She manipulates the rule of law in order to abuse and defame the Minutemen in her zealous pursuit of protecting and promoting the 'rights' of illegal aliens. Does Ms. Patino speak for the community of Laguna Beach? Apparently she does. If not, why is there no outrage expressed by the citizenry? The silence is deafening.

Lastly Patino asks: "What part of, 'We don't want you, Jim Gilchrist and the Minutemen' do you not understand?"(1)

In turn Ms. Patino is asked . . . What part of lies, deception, innuendo and 'hate speech' does SHE not understand?

Copyright by Daneen G. Peterson

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Dr. Peterson was a professor at both Temple and Jefferson Universities in Philadelphia, PA where she taught behavioral science research methodology and statistics. After leaving academia, she created and directed the first Department of Research and Program Evaluation for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America's National Office in Philadelphia. Dr. Peterson currently researches and writes only on the issue of illegal immigration and its effects upon American culture, language and society. She has also been an invited guest on several talk radio shows to discuss her in-depth research that covers all aspects of the illegal alien invasion of America.