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    Opposition to illegal immigration not racism More reactions

    Mailbag: More reactions to Robinson editorial
    Originally posted on January 06, 2007

    Opposition to illegal immigration not racism

    Your Guest Opinion writer has a perverted and one-sided interpretation of respect.

    He leveled some serious accusations against the police doing their job, and citizens who have been vocal in their opposition to illegal immigration. The word “RACIST” was a featured insult in the ranting of this individual. He has a perverted and one-sided interpretation of respect.

    It is the right and obligation of every American to speak out against policies and behavior that threaten the very culture and traditions that have made this country the kind of place that people are dying to get into.

    We respect the rights of others who although not sharing our heritage, do legally share our homeland and our culture, and we encourage them to take pride in their race and heritage.

    Why is it that Americans who express pride in their own race and culture are slandered by the “R” word?

    It seems that freedom of speech resides solely with the secular, left wing extremists in our midst — the self-haters, those who wish to erase every vestige of a rich and proud civilization.

    Anyone who voices concern with the direction our society is taking (a noticeable downward slide) or questions the wisdom of relinquishing our values and traditions — to what many see as inferior choices — is immediately branded with the “R” word.

    This is not an issue of racism. Most Americans sympathize with the plight of our neighbors to the south and with many other unfortunate peoples throughout the world.

    What your writer fails to recognize is that he is helping to promote the exploitation of these poor souls by unscrupulous employers whose only motivation is greed.
    If greedy employers accepted less of a profit and paid a living wage to their employees, there would be no shortage of workers.

    If they have to raise the price of their goods and services, I think most Americans would understand. We are facing a crisis and failure to act, may change forever the face of America. This is an issue of sheer numbers.

    No one proposes that we not allow Hispanics into our country, but to allow uncontrolled massive illegal immigration, makes the process of assimilation virtually impossible. At the rate we are now going, America as we know it will disappear in thirty years.

    When someone uses the “N” word, or any other derogatory racial epithet, no stigma is attached to the recipient of the slur, but rather to the person using the vulgarity.

    He identifies himself as an ignoramus, not to be taken seriously, and rightly so.

    If however someone accuses another of racism, with no proof or justification, he brands the other as morally inferior and yet suffers no consequences for his despicable denunciation, even if the charge is false.

    To imply that the treatment of these illegal immigrants is in any way comparable to the Nazi's brutality towards the Jews is ludicrous at the least and very possibly libelous.

    This is hate-mongering at its' worst. In the politically correct climate where we find ourselves suffocating, to be labeled a racist is to forfeit all credibility. The result is a stifling of dissent. People must not be allowed to use this word with impunity.

    Political correctness has replaced common sense. It is time to demand that our leaders step up to the plate and defend our nations' traditions and values. If they are unwilling, then it is time to look for new leadership.

    The insanity must end.

    — William J. Tremper resides in Cape Coral.

    Police doing their job by enforcing laws

    With all due respect to the Rev. Dr. Wayne Robinson, the USA is not turning into a police state but rather we are finally starting to enforce the rules and policies that have been in place.

    There is a certain process to follow if you want to come into this great country of ours, and that process needs to be followed not ignored.

    If you want to be here, you need to have a valid visa or green card, if you don’t have the necessary documentation you have no right to be here. It’s not a matter of racism as the reverend suggests but rather a matter of simply following the rules.

    Furthermore, the last time I read my Bible it told me to “be subject and obedient to the ruler and authorities that are placed over us” Titus 3:1.

    Those rulers and authorities have given us certain rules and regulations regarding immigration that should be followed. All the police are doing is enforcing those policies.

    The police are not the cause of the illegal’s fear, the cause of that fear is the fact that the illegals know they are doing something wrong and they don’t want to be caught.

    May I suggest to you that illegals do not have the same rights and privileges as do citizens and legals. Wow what a concept!

    The reverend suggests that the police action was an attack on American civil liberties and freedom, but I disagree!

    If they are illegals, and not following the correct process to be naturalized into this country, they do not have the freedoms and civil liberties offered by this country when you are legal.

    Illegals in this country should have no more rights and freedoms as someone living outside this country.

    It is a slap in the face to our great country when people come here illegally and do not follow the set process to become legal!

    I am not against immigration, the rules just need to be followed and it needs to be done legally. The message to the illegals should be, if you want rights and privileges in this country you need to follow the proper process!

    In fact, I am married to someone from another country. We met in college when she was here on a legal student visa. We married and followed the legal process. It took three years after we married for her to receive her green card, and then four more years for her to receive her citizenship, but we did it the right way. I think the immigration process takes too long and needs to be overhauled, but that is no excuse for bypassing the rules.

    Finally I would like to reiterate that the issue here is not hate or racism, it is a matter of obeying the law and following the rules.

    If we don’t enforce the laws and rules, and we allow people to cut corners, this great nation will turn into a Nation of chaos and disorder.

    I applaud the local police and federal agents for enforcing the rules as is their job. And to the reverend, just because you enforce the rules does not mean you are oppressing someone.

    You can enforce the rules and still love your neighbor! Lets not send the message that if you enforce rules you don’t love. That would be a whole new can of worms!

    — Jeff Beach lives in Fort Myers.

    Immigration enforcement long overdue

    After reading the article written by Rev. Dr. Wayne Robinson, I am incredulous as to the premise that Rev. Dr. Robinson promulgates.

    The actions of police agencies to enforce laws concerning immigration are long overdue.

    The term “illegal or undocumented immigrants” is a distort of the facts in evidence.

    The correct term that should be applied to those individuals that have entered the United States without going through the immigration process is “unlawful foreign nationals."

    Calling someone that sneaks into the country “illegal immigrants” is like calling a burglar an “uninvited guest”, it doesn’t reflect the intention of the individual.

    Instead of focusing on what the United States is doing to enforce laws, the public should focus on what the countries of origin aren’t doing for their citizens.

    The United States has become a dumping ground for all those nations that will not treat their citizens with respect and equal rights.

    Do we see Canadians, British, or Germans pouring across our borders to the tune of 20 million?

    No, we do not.

    I am not in favor of shutting down immigration, I am in favor of enforcing immigration laws starting with employers that hire “unlawful foreign nationals” and pay the “under the table.”

    Just because the United States has a flawed policy of enforcing immigration laws and have a huge population of “unlawful foreign nationals” does not change the fact that the law has been broken.

    “Immigrants” are those foreign nationals that have chosen to leave a native land, go through the process of adopting the laws, customs, language, history to become Americans not to march in our streets and demand non-existent rights to wave their flags and tout their allegiance to another country.

    The whole idea is preposterous.

    The lame excuse that these “unlawful foreign nationals” do jobs that most Americans won’t do is also absurd.

    Due to the fact that there are so many “unlawful foreign nationals” residing in the United States, employers have chosen to break the laws for greedy purposes. If there weren’t any “unlawful foreign nationals” in the United States in the first place, employers would be forced to pay wages that are attractive.

    Humanitarian issues is another argument used by Rev. Dr. Robinson.
    I am not against doing what is just and fair for the under privileged, but, to do so in violation of laws is not right.

    Will he next condone burglaries, drunken driving and child abuse because the perpetrators “had a bad childhood, were raised without morals or didn’t go to college?”

    The United States government has failed in it’s duty to protect the people.

    Instead of spending billions of dollars to fight in Iraq, the Congress should have spent the $1 billion dollars to ensure the integrity of our borders.

    — Gerald McNulty lives in Fort Myers.

    Corporations break laws for cheap labor

    I was outraged by the opinion of Wayne Robinson on Dec 28, 2006.

    There are no police-state activities of prejudice in America. What is growing in America is pride of all immigrants who came here legally and learned the English language to become American citizens.

    That is, each and everyone of us before corporations took over our government wanting cheap labor and driving the wages down in the American’s workforce on the backs of illegal immigrants wanting a better life.

    This is a sad day when our country allows corporations to break the law by hiring innocent immigrants who know nothing of the labor laws and wages in this country.

    The laws they are breaking are federal, not as innocent as breaking traffic laws which they do every day. It is a snowball effect entering this country illegally.

    The illegal immigrants are not doing the jobs Americans do not want. If you used someone else’s social security number and threw away your W2 forms, never filing your taxes, what will happen to you?

    Check the public records and you will see. You are sent to prison and that is what happened in the Midwest.

    If you work in the construction field a long side illegal immigrants, you will see the same thing happening here.

    This country has laws and the laws are for everyone who wants to live here, not just for some, so AMERICANS STAND TALL.

    To see Mr. Robinson in the paper wearing the collar of the Lord, his words sound more like a corporate CEO blinded by the color green.

    Congress gave the local and state the power to enforce our federal immigration laws and they were doing their job and service of the taxpayers.

    — Lynne Sparrow lives in Fort Myers.

    Robinson tries to rewrite history in editorial

    Rev. Wayne A. Robinson tried to rewrite history claiming that the sheriff’s department forged an alliance with the local illegal population, then violated their trust a “few days later.”

    Here is the sequence of events: On Sept. 26, 2006, completion results of “Operation Return To Sender” were published in a local newspaper.

    The people arrested came from 12 countries — Mexico, Bolivia, Albania, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Armenia, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

    Of the 163 people arrested, the 26 did have a history of violent criminal activity; and 84 were fugitives who failed to leave the country as ordered by an immigration judge; another 53 were known immigration violators.

    Neglecting to count the other 84+ appears to be another attempt by Rev. Robinson to distort the truth by ignoring the crime of being a fugitive.

    On Oct. 30 and 31, 2006, The News Press printed two stories; “Sheriff's office reaches
    out to “Hispanics” and “Police seek Hispanics' trust.”

    On Nov. 7th, 2006, Sheriff Mike Scott made a statement in The News Press, titled, “Lee County not a safe haven for illegal immigrants.”

    Rev. Roberson appears to not only have a problem keeping straight the order of events, but may also be challenged distinguishing between “a few days” and a month.

    I would like to think Rev. Robinson, a now respected man of the cloth, has not intentionally distorted the truth to further his cause.

    We are not the blind sheep of the Oral Roberts and James E. Ewing days.

    — Daniel Moore lives in Lehigh Acres

    Laws of the land must be upheld

    Re: Rev. Dr. Wayne Robinson - 12-28-06. I pray that your misguided opinion will change. There are none so blind as he who will not see!

    We are a country of laws that protect all. Our laws know no race, color, creed or sex. Not like many other countries that can and do throw people in jail on a whim.

    How may times have we heard of the dangers of being a gringo in Mexico. America welcomes all immigrants like no other country. The key is LEGAL.

    I feel sorry for those who are illegal. Have they been duped by “coyotes” into some pie in the sky existence by crossing the border? I bet! Who profits here? The coyotes.

    Surely, if these poor people understood how the system works, they would not break our laws. How about the criminals? Do you suppose they need new fertile fields to continue their crimes?

    Our government, federal, state and local have sworn to uphold the laws of our land. They have a moral and legal obligation to enforce those laws for the protection of all.

    I have taught my children they must stop at stop signs. Not to impede traffic flow but to protect them from being hit by a vehicle coming from another direction. Plus it is the law. Laws are created to halt some problem. See the Ten Commandments.
    Theodore Roosevelt’s statement on Immigrants — 1907:

    “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. BUT this is predicated upon the person’s becoming, in every facet, an American and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    Please note that I did not use any slanderous language such as in your guest opinion.

    — Vicki Cook lives in Fort Myers.

    America welcomes legal immigrants

    If they want to come to this country they need to do it in a legal manner just like the rest of our citizens did, including our families.

    Even back in the days of Washington and Jefferson they were smart enough to screen all potential immigrants, as many were sent away!

    There was, and is a very good reason for ELLIS ISLAND and it didn’t have anything to do with prejudice.

    I’m sure there are millions of people from all around the world that would love to come to America, but the plain and simple truth is, everybody can’t come here. So we should not allow criminals, sick, etc.., into our society, we already have enough.

    And I think you are right about the 110th Congress because they know very well how the vast majority of voters feel and 2008 isn’t near far enough away for the American people to forget how their elected officials vote on key issues.

    I am not prejudiced, but I do love my country and will do everything I can to help.

    — Charles Stuart lives in Fort Myers.

    Robinson's viewpoint naive

    After reading the Dr. Rev. Wayne Robinson piece in the Opinion Page, I was dumbfounded by his naiveté.

    He describes those who oppose illegal immigration as hate groups. He states such groups as Americans Standing Tall are peddling prejudice, bigotry, hate and the old standby racism.

    Going on with his blathering he has no qualms to comparing these patriots with Nazi Germany.

    Evidently, the good reverend is an authority on all of these emotional buzz words. His entire diatribe is dripping with hatred and bigotry in describing the activities of patriots and especially of Americans Standing Tall.

    Discontent with his attack on Americans Standing Tall he continues with his frothing tirade on the law enforcement community. He states that local and federal law enforcement officers had arrested illegal immigrants who committed no crime in the Swift meat packing plant.

    My dear reverend let me remind you, your PhD. may qualify you in the matters of religion. However, you are far from knowledgeable in matters of law. You have stated a myriad of reasons why illegal immigrants are a so-called asset to America.

    However, you conveniently fail to mention they are here illegally and have a concerted disdain of American laws and culture.

    Let us not forget we are a nation of laws. Enforcing only those laws that are convenient and amenable to the aspirations of any one person, albeit to a
    Preacher is a path leading to anarchy. Perhaps if that occurs, you will change your attitude toward law enforcement.

    You state that illegal immigration is a civil offense and not criminal. You compare it to driving without a license, exceeding the speed limit and no more than an expired auto tag.

    Your pooh-poohing of our criminal law is interesting. Please let me enlighten you. Each of your described offenses is a violation of law and if necessary adjudicated in our courts.

    You are quick to say that we are degenerating into a police state but fail to mention that a codified system of laws is what keeps a society civilized.

    Reverend, let me remind you that we have laws in this country, and vilifying the efforts of groups like Standing Tall and law enforcement are looked upon with disgust by rational thinking Americans.

    In addition, please let me further remind you that American taxpayers are footing the hospital emergency room bills of the hoards of illegal immigrants needing medical assistance.

    When was the last time you paid any sort of taxes? Of course your church is not taxed neither is the income you receive from your congregation. Perhaps you should think about contributing some of your coffers to the payment of these medical bills. Your lack of generosity is exceeded only by your hypocrisy.

    If you are interested in doing some good without hidden agendas, I suggest you help local Americans in need. Better still go among the hundreds of homeless in New Orleans who are mostly law abiding American citizens and are in desperate circumstances.

    I have been to the Mexican Border States and have seen first hand what these illegal immigrants have done to private property in Arizona and Texas.

    Hundreds upon hundreds of acres of pristine ranch land have been strewn with urine, defecation; beer cans cigarette butts and an assortment of soiled underwear and trash.

    I hesitate to mention finding condoms and sanitary napkins adding to the defacing of American ranchland.

    The pristine beauty of these ranches with destroyed border fences will never be returned to their original state.

    The ranchers have given up the battle to repair these fences. Many had said in disgust, “We no longer have a border.”

    Reverend Robinson, I suggest you spend a night on the border to get a first hand knowledge of what illegal immigrants are doing to our nation.

    However, let me warn you not to wear your clerical collar. It will not easily intimidate ranchers on the border and in fact, it may anger them.

    As a final note, you quote the Bible in your questionable interpretation of brotherly love. Need I remind you that millions upon millions of people have been killed since the beginning of recorded time in the name of someone's God.

    And, of course, it is difficult to refute that the Bible is not exactly a Mary Poppins reading.

    My dear Reverend, you have received your 15 minutes of fame. Please wrap up your bleeding heart, and bring it go back to the pulpit. I suggest you work to increase your congregation with its tithes in a more upright and transparent manner.

    — Julius Morreal is a freelance writer, playwright and a retired NYC Police Sergeant. He may be contacted at 239-945-8802.

    Our government not a police state

    I suppose that one person’s (Wayne Robinson’s) “police state activities” are another person’s (mine) example of government performing a legitimate exercise of its powers.

    In reading the Reverend Doctor Robinson’s guest opinion (“America, Si! Amerika, No! Respect our immigrants”) recently published in the News-Press, I was struck by the numerous instances of what I can only term intellectual dishonesty and fuzzy thinking on Robinson’s part.

    Robinson accuses us of “turning a deaf ear to the tragedy of what is happening to a huge swath of our fellow human beings.”

    He compares the attitude (quite likely a majority attitude) of outrage against illegal immigration (and hence illegal immigrants, too) to the oppression of Jews in Nazi Germany. Bull!

    A sovereign nation such as the United States has a legitimate right to control who enters and who leaves the country. If this were not so, we would not have such things as passports, visas, and border-crossing checkpoints.

    I would strongly suggest that Rev. Robinson do some research as to what other sovereign nations, perhaps Canada and Mexico would make good starting points, do to restrict and control immigration.

    Rev. Robinson wonders why American law enforcement personnel are arresting “people who have committed no crime."

    By this, I assume he means what he refers to as “immigrants without proper papers.”
    Let me ask why these immigrants lack proper papers. The answer is quite simple: they entered the country illegally, and thus committed at least one crime, and probably more (Are they working without work papers? That‘s a crime. Are they using forged Social Security cards? That‘s a crime. Are they driving without legally-obtained licenses and insurance? That’s a crime.)

    Let’s be honest, Dr. Robinson. To refer to these people as “immigrants without proper papers” or “undocumented aliens” is just another instance of fuzzy thinking and intellectual dishonesty. Learn how to say illegal immigrants. It really isn’t that hard.

    Are many of these people hard-working? I have no doubt. I have seen many Hispanics working throughout Lee County.

    Virtually every single one of them, at least the ones I have observed, displays a highly commendable work ethic. Are they all hard-working. Of course not.

    Some of them are accused criminals subject to arrest and trial for the crimes they are alleged to have committed.

    Is this a racist statement? Nope. Same thing is true of many non-Hispanics. My complaint is not with Hispanics; rather it is with people of any race, religion, or nation of origin who have entered this country illegally (Say illegal immigrant, Dr. Robinson.)
    By widely-circulated estimates, there are perhaps 12 million of them currently in the United States. And, based on what I learned from a Border Patrol agent with whom I worked some years ago, any estimate of illegal immigrants in the country is probably a conservative one. Fifteen to 18 million may be a more accurate number.

    I submit that our government has a two-fold duty. First, it needs to stem the flow of illegals in to the the United States. I will grant that this is probably not going to be totally possible to accomplish, but we really must attempt to make a serious reduction in the number who enter illegally.

    Second, the government needs to apprehend as many of those who are here illegally, process them for deportation, and send them back to their countries of origin.

    Because our government is not making much progress in either of these two areas, I would accuse those in positions of responsibility, from President Bush on down, of neglecting to enforce the laws of this nation, perhaps even of criminal neglect.

    I also submit that our government needs to establish a guest worker program, with sufficient built-in safeguards so that people in the program are required to periodically return to their homelands, especially when they become unemployed and can find no other work within a reasonable period of time.

    I would go further; I propose that, six months after the establishment of such a program, any person apprehended for being an illegal immigrant be forever disqualified from obtaining guest worker status or re-entering the United States for any purpose, even as a tourist.

    Basically I propose that we get people currently here without governmental permission to voluntarily return to their homelands, then allow them to apply to become guest workers.

    One final thought: people who become naturalized citizens ought to be of good moral character. Entering this country illegally certainly, at least in my mind, demonstrates a willful disregard for this nation’s laws, and thus ought to once and forever disqualify illegal immigrants from becoming citizens.

    — David Rotthoff lives in North Fort Myers

    Consider costs to public education

    Kudos to those who wrote condemning Dr. Wayne Robinson’s comments concerning treatment of illegal aliens in the U.S. As we all know, high fences build good neighbors.

    The true cost of illegal immigration is huge, considering the costs to public education, unpaid medical care and crime, just to name a few.

    How much has ESL added to the budgets of school systems? How many hospitals are closing their trauma centers due to illegal immigrants using them for basic health care? And lastly, not all illegal immigrants are “trying to improve their lives.”

    I am not anti-immigration. I am anti-illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws and we are being taken advantage of by these immigrants who know how to abuse our system and generosity.

    But they are not the root of the problem. The root of the problem is our government not kicking them out.

    If Dr. Robinson wants to help the immigrants, let him use his own money, not take from the pockets of taxpayers.

    God Bless.

    — Michael Littlestone resides in Cape Coral

    Americans Standing Tall stands for truth

    The Rev Wayne Robinson’s, “America, Si! Amerika, No!” News Press, Thursday, Dec. 28, 2006, is what most of us concerned about the illegal aliens invading our country can expect from the likes of him.

    First, Americans Standing Tall does not peddle prejudice nor jingoistic chauvinism but the stark naked truth about all aliens who have violated the laws of our land and who then demand rights, privileges and financial support.

    Most Americans do not side with the invaders of America called illegal aliens, nor their demands. We are in full support of all legal immigrants from all over the world.

    You also said “And in the same way that citizens of Nazi Germany ignored the travesties happening to German Jews in the 1930’s, so the vast majority of Southwest Floridians are using the same cover of ignorance.” You call us Nazis and you are a minister of the cloth. You are fueling the fire of hatred and leading your flock to be racist of the highest order if that is what you preach to them. Shame on you.

    You make reference to a religious organization which held an event to increase understanding between the Hispanic community and local law enforcement.

    You further stated that the purpose was to combat the growing crime against immigrants without proper papers (illegal aliens as they are called). The police and sheriff’s people assured the audience that they were there for them — a true statement.

    You may have forgotten Rev. that the police, fire and EMT departments are there for everyone, to aid and assist in crimes, fires and emergency health matters.

    It’s a federal law that emergency medical treatment be given to anyone — even illegal aliens. That holds true of the police and fire departments.

    It ends there, reverend.

    Violators of the law will be confronted by the law enforcement agencies and arrested if need be. With your description of how they sneaked into communities, in black looking vans, with no identifying decals on the vehicle and hiding behind their Darth Vader black uniforms and masks, it sounds like you are writing for a book or movie.

    You further said “Since when did America mean for its law enforcement agents to arrest people who had committed no crime.”

    How many “incidents” (crimes) does it take for someone to know that a crime has been committed?

    Crossing a border of a country without papers is a violation of the law. Driving without a driver’s license is a violation of the law. Stealing someone’s Social Security Number and using that to get a job is a violation of the law.

    Making or buying false documents to obtain state and federal benefits is a violation of the law. Living in a house with ten or twelve or fourteen people, when it was built for two or four, is a violation of the law.

    Do I need to go on, reverend? The vast majority of illegal aliens have committed almost all of the above and you call that a civil matter or matters.

    A person’s police department record sheet would, or should show, all those violations, enough for our enforcement agencies to be highly concerned. And rightly so.

    You called Mr. Schaffer a racist for his comments when, I believe, he was telling the naked truth. Of course, reverend, you consider yourself a saint by your remarks and the hatred that comes out of your mouth. What do you preach to your congregation—racism and hatred? I certainly hope not.

    You insult us of Americans Standing Tall, the local police and sheriff’s departments and the millions of Americans across our great nation for wanting those who violate the laws of our land dealt with.

    The churches have their rules and laws for the congregation and violators of those rules and laws are dealt with. Repent or you will die in Hell—is that not your advice you give your congregation? You tell them they have sinned and they must pay a penalty. Or maybe you do not have sinners in your congregation.

    Churches, unions and many businesses who hire illegal aliens, are clamoring for the United States government to grant amnesty. I wonder why? Is it because the churches and unions need more members to attend their services and meetings which in turn helps their cash flow? Businesses, which violate state and federal laws by hiring illegal aliens, do so to increase their profit margins.

    Americans across our great nation would have no objections if all the churches, unions and business, who embrace the illegal aliens, promise to house, feed, educate, take care of the medical and personal needs and any other expenses for the illegal aliens and pay for that out of their coffers.

    If you did that you would need to ask your congregation for additional offerings in the plate. Union members would be asked to pay more in dues. I doubt very much the members of the congregation or unions would tolerate that. Businesses would suffer the wrath of the stockholders if profits and dividends were reduced to offset those expenses.

    I suggest, reverend, that you stop hoping for amnesty for the illegal aliens so they can help fill your collection plate.

    Reverend, if someone broke into your home or your church in the middle of the night, violating your rights and morals, would you allow that person to continue on, invite that person to stay or would you call the police?

    We, of Americans Standing Tall, pray for your congregation to enjoy peace and love and show you the light in ridding the hatred within you.

    — Anthony Maida resides in Cape Coral and is a founder of Americans Standing Tall

    Robinson's editorial promotes crime, fraud

    RE: “America Si, Amerika No,” by Rev. Wayne Robinson, Dec. 28, 2006.

    First of all, Rev Robinson, try spelling my name correctly the next time you bash me.

    Second, you must not be representing the Christian religion if you continue to refer to American as misguided, ignorant, and Nazi. Please practice your religion.

    How can you call yourself an American and a Christian when you promote crime, insurance fraud, medical fraud, under the umbrella of illegal aliens?

    Do you realize both our auto and medical insurance rates in Southwest Florida are up and driven by the pay outs we Americans are forced to pay to support illegal alliens, who have no driver’s licenses and no insurance?

    Mr. Robinson, how do you want America to address this issue? Overlook it as good Christians?

    Do you realize how much money Americans have to pay to address illegal drugs,
    slave traffic, and identity theft on Americans by illegal aliens? Mr. Robinson, how do
    you want Americans to address these issues?

    Mr. Robinson, this Christmas Eve, our neighborhood had to endure loud Spanish music, illegal firewords for hours and verbal abuse by a single family home full of illegal aliens.

    They yelled obsenities for hours against “gringos,” Cape Coral and “rednecks.”
    Are these folks representative of your so-called immigrants? Do American children have to endure this type of verbal abuse from them?

    Why as a Christian would you support folks like this as you say in your article? Are they forgiven because they are illegal aliens?

    Instead of bashing Americans why don’t you provide some constructive solutions to address the real issues involving illegal aliens, rather than blame Americans.

    Mr. Robinson, we truly appreciate legal immigration for diversity from any ethnic group.

    Our parents taught us to love America, as their country and learn the language.

    We do not support illegal immigration which is destroying the American way of life by those who refuse to speak or lean English, rape our society of not only financial funds but the moral ground this country was built on.

    Thank you and pray for us, we need it more than them.

    — Robert Schaffer resides in Cape Coral ... 05049/1015
    I stay current on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's fight to Secure Our Border and Send Illegals Home via E-mail Alerts (CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP)

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    Senior Member xanadu's Avatar
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    I probably should have read the rest of this but this got my panty hose in a twist and I am compelled to put in my two cents.

    With all due respect to the Rev. Dr. Wayne Robinson, the USA is not turning into a police state but rather we are finally starting to enforce the rules and policies that have been in place.
    SINCE WHEN are we enforcing laws on the books?

    All I see is new laws being written and passed that in fact have turned this country into a full fledged POLICE STATE FOR AMERICAN CITIZENS.

    Its not if your an illegal alien.

    That statement is the most uninformed ignorant sound to pass through a pair of lips I have heard all week!
    "Liberty CANNOT be preserved without general knowledge among people" John Adams (August 1765)

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