Wednesday, 27 June 2012 11:50

Sheriff Mascher Comments on Impact of SB1070 Ruling

Written by Lynne LaMaster

How Does the SB1070 Ruling & Subsequent ICE Policies Affect Yavapai County?

Yavapai County Sheriff Scott Mascher and his command staff have been reviewing documents related to the June 25, 2012, U.S. Supreme Court ruling on SB1070 and the decision by the Department of Homeland Security to terminate the 287G Task Force program in Arizona.

Sheriff Mascher indicates the SB1070 ruling will have no significant impact on day-to-day operations as the focus of patrol personnel has always been, and will remain, on public safety and crime suppression. YCSO already has a policy in place regarding immigration issues which instructs deputies not to arrest anyone for violation of federal immigration laws when there are no other local charges against the person. If a deputy determines someone is in the U.S. illegally as a secondary aspect of their investigation, they are to contact ICE for verification and detainer instructions as directed by ICE policy.

Sheriff Mascher also learned that the Department of Homeland Security had terminated its agreement involving the 287G Task Force with YCSO. Sheriff Mascher noted he only had two deputies currently 287G certified and they were both working detective positions. These detectives had used their 287G authority only when investigating already suspected criminal aliens. The Sheriff expects no change in their assignments other than terminating 287G duties as required.

And finally, the Sheriff was pleased to learn that the 287G agreement overseeing custodial bookings at Yavapai County detention centers remains in full force and effect. Thus, anyone booked in the jail on open charges will be screened for immigration status and those confirmed as illegal will receive an immigration hold.

Sheriff Mascher Comments on Impact of SB1070 Ruling