So, Who and What cost us $700 Billion?
[Patrick Cleburne]
28 September 2008

As I write, the House Republican leadership is calling on its troops to support the Bailout Bill. So maybe the GOP House group’s bright shining moment of courage, which so excited the respect of Peter Brimelow and James Pinkerton, is fading away.

But, as Pinkerton said, it is strange to find the Congressional Democrats so firmly behind a Wall Street relief measure.

Anyway, it seems timely to look once again at what got the country into this mess. Recently traffic has become heavy on

The Mortgage Monsters Meet The Immigration Invasion. They Like Each Other. By Thomas Allen March 31 2004.

This is a fine, highly relevant essay which I must admit I had forgotten.

[quote]Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently acknowledged…Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… are expanding because of an “implicit subsidyâ€