Marty Lich
Terrorists to the East, Terrorists to the West
By Marty Lich
Feb 1, 2005, 08:08

Where do you all fit in the Big East-West Picture?

I read the following in the Denver Post today: DMV flawed, ex-clerk alleges Accused worker: Fraud rampant: “A woman accused of illegally selling Colorado driver's licenses…� I immediately wrote and asked the two reporters, Michael Riley ( and Alicia Caldwell (

“Do the porous borders concern you all? Yet?� The Denver post is inherently pro-illegal orientated, so I hope I receive a reply.

Now I will ask the rest of you, do the porous borders concern you? Yet?We are quite aware they are of little concern to our president. He seems to operate under the kind-hearted and false belief that we can secure all identities and therefore secure America simply by legalizing all illegal aliens who are breaking the laws of America right now.

Why would al- Qaida cells reveal their true identities to us? Why would we believe they would? Why would our president think any of us would accept this? Why isn’t he worried about us? Concerned for the innocent families living in the United States? He should be.

I worry, with reason. Do you worry, even without a reason? Here are some reasons for you to begin worrying. All articles linked below are from this past spring to date. I have more, many many more, articles and data archived. Including the employees working at both Denver International Airport and the Air Force Academy, spring of 2003, who were issued security passes. One was a pilot. All were identified illegal aliens using stolen or fake documents. Most fled following the ‘busts’ and prior to the scheduled immigration hearings. They are somewhere in the United States of America, just not using security badges and flying planes in Colorado. At least I don’t think they are. Here in Colorado that is.

Please read on. Education is the key to success. And conversely as Ye Olde Editor (Ken Anderson) said today, “It's awfully hard to breathe when your head is stuck in the sand�

And then ask yourself, where are you? Educated and ready to speak up? Or suffocating under ignorance?